Star Wars: Episode XIV: Eye Of The Storm
Civil War rages across the Galaxy, fueled by internal
conflicts within the Republic, the bloody battle spreads
across a hundred systems. The twins Jaina and Jacen
Solo lead the two sides, fighting out their long building
hatred for each other.
Rey and Ben Solo lead the Jedi Order on a quest
for survival. Chased off their home on Yavin, they
seek to escape the grasp of their rogue siblings.
Without many options, the Jedi consider an offer
from the shadowy Sith lord Master Plagueis, who
is rumored to be assembling a rebel fleet somewhere
near the inner core...
Stars, Pan down to large planet with small blue green moon, music grows dramatic, camera flys down through the atmosphere of the moon and down to the surface where there is a massive republic military industrial complex, camera pans into a factory where metal is being smelted and then forged into weapons, armor, tanks and equipment. The camera pans over and you see a prison complex guarded by dozens of republic storm troopers, the music continues intensely, the shot sits on the prison, you hear voices from inside.
Prison Guard: Who are your accomplices, Sith, tell us now!
Prisoner: (Screaming in agony) I'll tell you! I'll tell you everything! (Screaming)
Shot holds on the prison for a few moments, music builds dramatically, then camera cuts to shots of the Delta squadron Jedi special forces preparing for battle, pulling on black masks and helmets, boots, blaster pistols, light sabers strapped to belts, cut to shot of a hanger door, it opens and you see delta squad enter fully equipped, then cut to shot as they board a star destroyer which then is seen taking off into orbit.
Cut to shots of Delta squad ransacking various homes and offices, dragging off prisoners with black bags over their heads, searching and breaking everything.
Music shifts to a grand triumphant theme for a moment, cut to shot of Rey on a speeder, she flies low across a grassy hill which she reaches the top of, stopping the speeder and surveying the scene, there is a great city, majestic and glowing in the golden afternoon sun, a star destroyer hangs ominously overhead.
Cut to shot of Rey, her hood pulled low over her face, making her way through the crowded narrow streets of the city, music is quiet and ominous, you see storm troopers patrolling, but Rey slips by.
Cut to shot of Rey in a library being lead by an attendant to an archive room, quick montage of Rey going through the archives, finally she stops and reads out loud to herself.
Rey: The Tragedy of Plagueis the Wise
She stops and stares intently at the document.
Rey: (Reading) Year 4385, here follows an account of the great war and the fall of the old Sith empire. Victory was at hand, the Sith in retreat, we were ordered into the cities, to burn everything in our path. Our troops moved into the streets, there was little resistance at first, but without warning, a Sith struck from the shadows, he was fast and cunning, appearing without warning, he slaughtered three squads before we rooted him out, but still he escaped without a trace.
Even in our victory we are tainted, his very survival causes a deep existential dread among the men. They fear one day he will return to take revenge upon us, even now i can see his rage filled eyes burned forever into my memory, he will stop at nothing. If it is true what they say, he has lived for three hundred years and does not age, even the Jedi of Coruscant know not of this power, for this he is known among the people as "Master Plagueis the Wise"
She sits back, considering the words.
Scene cuts to space where you see a star destroyer, presently a small ship flies from behind the camera toward the destroyer, cut to docking bay doors opening, Rey and Ben enter the hallway and are greeted by a group of Jedi including Jinn, Mace and others from the academy.
Garrukk: Welcome back!
Elsa: We have be anxiously awaiting your return. You were successful in your mission i take it?
Rey: We were...
Elsa: Good, we have analysts ready in the data room...
Ben: We will drop the report off on the way to our quarters...
Elsa: Excellent. If you will excuse me... (she turns and walks off, the group begins to disperse)
Jinn: Hi mom, dad.
Rey: Jinn! (She hugs her daughter who looks unenthusiastic but doesn't try to resist.)
Ben: How is your brother?
Jinn: He's fine, being annoying as usual, i don't think there's a lot for him to do here.
They start walking down the corridors of the ship, passed here and there by rebels going about ship operations.
Ben: Well, we should be at Pelladrin in a few hours so i wouldn't worry to much about it, your mother and i have some work to do before we arrive.
Jinn: Alright, i'm going to the dining hall, see you later.
She turns abruptly and walks back down the corridor, Ben and Rey exchange a knowing glance.
Ben: Shes actually taking it rather well all things considered.
Rey: Maybe i don't know my own daughter but i actually think she's excited. It is the first time shes been off Yavin.
Ben: Ya your right, i just hope shes ready, i hope were ready...
Rey: Were ready.
They hold hands and walk in silence
Scene Changes, it is a training room, a group of students in training uniform stands facing a single jedi in a black uniform. She is Master Nilwyn, tall, graceful and serious, her dark hair tied in a tight bun at the back of her head.
Nilwyn: First drill, Ara, Indra
She gestures for the two to step forward, they face off in front of the class, Indra is larger than Ara and has a reputation for being tough. Indra moves forward and grabs the front of Ara's uniform, Ara grabs her arms and with a turning step throws Indra to the ground, she rolls as she hits and returns to a standing position.
Nilwyn: Good, Mace, Taylor, second drill
They continue to pair off and throw each other down in various ways. Montage of the students doing boxing techniques, then fencing and sparring with padded weapons. Finally they stand in a semi circle around Master Nilwyn.
Nilwyn: When the technique is correct, and the muscle memory is perfect, the force will move through your unconscious actions and allow you to perform the right technique with the right timing and distance, but only if you have trained your mind with the proper meditations. That is why the Jedi place equal emphasis on physical as well as mental training.
She pauses for a moment and survey's the somber faces of the students, satisfied she nods.
Nilwyn: Alright, that's enough for today, tomorrow we will be on Pelladrin and so may have to delay regular training. Have a good evening and may the force be with you.
Students: May the force be with you.
Scene changes, Ara and Mace are walking down the corridor, other Padawan are going this way and that.
Ara: Wow, i feel like were really progressing, there's a lot though, we should try and sit in on more of the Master training sessions. There's so much.
Mace: Ya its kind of overwhelming me actually, maybe we should think about it after we get to Pelladrin. I wonder what the council will decide to do once we get there. We really can't stay anywhere...
Ara: (Taking his hand) Yes, we might have to keep running for a long time, but i want you to know i feel ready, ready to do this with you.
Mace: (Smiling at her) I'm glad to hear you say that, I'm just, really worried, I feel like your the best thing that's every happened to me, but it just had to happen right in the middle of the worst thing that every happened to me!
Ara: (Looking at him sadly) You were closest to Master Piedmont of anyone, and now we all lost our homes and our futures, but i can't help but feel we found a new future, one that actually is worth living! A cause actually worth fighting for! Here we can train and be together, we have our own room, all our friends are here, no one is making us do anything!
Mace: Your right, I'm just being a wet blanket!
Ara: No your not! I didn't say i wasn't scared out of my mind also! It's just i have to keep looking forward! It's the only way i can keep it together, and we have to keep it together! I can't help but feel like this is just the beginning of our trouble.
Mace turns and puts his arms around her, they stand silently embracing in the corridor for a moment.
Ara: Don't go anywhere ok.
Mace: I won't
They continue down the corridor holding hands.
Scene cuts to Jinn's quarters, Max is there, his arms crossed.
Max: You're blowing this way out of proportion!
Jinn: How am i blowing this out of proportion? You've been hounding me all week about even talking to another boy in public! And now i walk in on you with Dariana alone in the cargo bay drinking? I don't think so!
Max: We were talking about supply rationing! You know i'm always drinking, i was just sharing my bottle while we worked!
Jinn: That's a load of crap, i'v seen you eyeing her, besides, its strait up hypocritical for you to call me out about talking to guys and then do this behind my back. I don' trust you.
Max: Jinn! I'm really sorry! I didn't think you would take it this way.
Jinn: More like you didn't think i'd find out! Why are you with me anyway? You barely pay attention to me any more, we've been dating all of two weeks!
Max: I'm..just confused!
Jinn: Get out. Get the hell out.
Max: But..
Jinn: GET. OUT.
Max leaves, Jinn is enraged, when he is gone she throws herself on her bed and then punches the pillow repeatedly before collapsing in a heap.
Scene change: It is one of the lower decks of the destroyer, you see Alexander sitting cross legged with his back against the wall of a hallway, he is playing with a tablet but his expression is glum. Presently, Rey pokes her head around the corner and seeing Alexander, walks to stand next to him.
Rey: There you are! I had to use the ships sensors to find you! Are you playing hide and seek?
Alexander: The other kids are being mean to me, ever since the Padawan got here no one talks to me or wants to play with me, not even Jinn!
Rey: Im sorry honey! Kids can be really mean sometimes. Im sure they will come around.
Alexander: I miss home
Rey: (She puts her arm around him) Me to honey, me to.
Alexander: Can we go back someday?
Rey: I don't know, well see, I hope so!
Alexander: Me to.
They sit for a moment in silence, then Rey stands and helps Alexander to his feet.
Rey: Come on, lets get something to eat! Maybe if we ask really nice the chef will let us try some of tonight's dessert! What do you think.
Alexander: (Smiling) Ok
They walk off together, scene changes, It is Rey and Ben's quarters, Ben is there sitting at a desk reading some information off a tablet. Presently Rey Enters.
Rey: Hey!
Ben: Hey! How is everything?
Rey: Ok, I found Alexander down in the lower deck, he said hes sad because the other kids are ignoring him.
Ben: That has to be difficult, ever since the Padawans arrival its really shifted the social dynamics around here, its like a boarding school or something.
Rey: Ya, and Jinn isn't helping, she barely talks to her brother anymore!
Ben: Ya, well 14 year olds aren't really cool when your 17.
Rey: I know, but this situation is so desperate, we need to stick together as a family or were not going to make it!
Ben: Your right, i'm just not sure how to fix the problem, its not like we can force them to interact. Frankly, we are probably better off not worrying about it until we touch down on Pelladrin, being in the city will probably do them good, meeting new people, seeing some things.
Rey: Ya, that will help, we're only a few hours out now, I wonder how Poe and Finn are doing? You know their son is about Jinn's age.
Ben: Ya i remember seeing the message, what was his name? Mathew?
Rey: That's right.
Ben: Well, this should be interesting, I wonder what kind of Republic presence we will be dealing with?
Rey: Not a large one, at least not until word gets back to the core worlds that were here. Even then it will take a week or two for the fleet to mobilize.
Ben: Good, that should give us some time to figure out what to do.
Rey: Ya, are you still feeling worried about the Sith?
Ben: Yes, though, the more i meditate upon it the the less i'm sure of anything. On one hand, everything tells me this is just to good to be true, another rebel fleet? Jedi from a lost empire? An ancient master 10,000 years old!
Rey: Ya, it does seem fantastic, its going to be a gamble however this plays out, contacting the Sith is both the most risky and most possibly rewarding move, there is almost no way for us to verify the authenticity of their claims without risking everything.
Ben: Agreed. Its going to be a hard sell on the council.
Rey: Speaking of the council, iv been hearing a lot of chatter about dissatisfaction with the idea of joining the Sith. Everything points to Tallrand being the ring leader but hes been careful to play his cards close. I'm honestly worried hes going to try and derail any conversation seriously considering Plagueis's offer.
Ben: Ya, its a real possibility, i think we have enough support though barring any dirty tricks.
Rey: Ya, well that is what Tallrand is known for.
Ben: (Sighing) Ya, lets not underestimate him, tell you what when we get to Pelladrin we head strait to Poe and Finn's and have a secret council, lets bring Jinn and Alexander, even a few of the Padawan we trust and Garrukk i think.
Rey: (Smiling) That sounds great! (She leans in and they kiss) I'm going to the bridge to check on our progress, ill be back before we arrive!
Ben: Love you!
Rey: Love you!
She leaves, Scene changes to space, you see a blue green earth like planet glowing in the background. Suddenly a destroyer jumps in from warp space. Cut to the bridge of the destroyer, it is the ship commandeered by the Jedi. You see Rey, Ben and a large group of Jedi and Padawan. They look out over the blue green world.
Ben: Pelladrin! We made it.
Rebel: Master, we are receiving a transmission from the surface requesting our identification, signal source is the republic garrison. Should we respond.
Rey: No! keep your silence, lets keep them guessing as long as possible. Can you locate the Union office in Amborn City?
Rebel: Checking registry, got it!
Rey: Send transmission, say: Some old friends from Jakku are here to ask for help. That should get their attention.
Rebel: Transmitting. Signal received.
Ben: Now we wait.
Rebel: Incoming transmission! Its a set of landing coordinates! Looks like an open field just outside the city limits.
Ben: Set a course!
Rebel: Course set!
Cut to outside view of the destroyer, they descend into orbit and through the atmosphere, flying low over a small but beautiful city to land in a large open field backed by thick woods, the destroyer is small compared to the vast open area. You see a group of speeders and transports zooming toward the landed destroyer coming from the city. The hatch opens and a long walkway extends, a large crowd of people with Rey and Ben walking in front exits the Destroyer.
The speeders pull up and two dozen people get out, many of them are security guards with blasters but there are two familiar figures, Poe Dameron, still looking boyish and youthful even in his fifties, and Finn, with a well kempt full beard and short hair that has gone mostly gray/white, he looks like a regal old statesman.
Finn: Rey!
They run forward and embrace happily. Poe and Ben also come forward and there are hugs and reunions all around. Then Jinn, Alexander and the other step forward.
Rey: This is Jinn, our daughter and Alexander our son! This is Poe and Finn, old friends of ours!
Poe: Hi!
Finn: Nice to meet you.
A handsome young man steps forward from behind Poe and Finn, his hair is cut short and he is a spitting image of young Finn.
Finn: This is our son, Mathew.
Mathew: Nice to meet you.
Rey: Nice to meet you finally!
Mathew's eyes meet Jinns for a moment, she blushes and looks away, a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth then is gone.
Poe: Well, lets get indoors! Looks like the weather is turning soon, your destroyer should be safe here, we'll leave a dozen guards to make sure no one is snooping around, and that includes Republic types. Lets just say this region isn't known for being to friendly to outside authority.
Rey: Well i'm glad to hear it! News about your activities is severely limited in the inner core, word has it you've made quite a stir organizing with the UGW out here.
Finn: Ya seemed ripe for it, we joined the union on Antigia and after losing the elections we decided it made more sense to organize in the outer rim.
The conversation continues as they board the speeders, leaving about half the guards to watch the ship. They zoom off but perspective stays with the characters.
Poe: Things blew up really fast, the local gov types didn't realize what was happening until it was to late, we had 10,000 in the first two weeks and 100,000 in a month. Union negotiations fell apart and we hit the streets, ended up running the republic out of town and eventually out of this whole region!
Rey: Wow, that's incredible!
Poe: Ya, it really was, that was 12 years ago, we've managed to keep them out all this time, with a few exceptions.
Finn: They originally doubled the garrison on Pelladrin but after a few years i think they realized we didn't have broad based support throughout the other regions. They are just to deeply rooted into the high culture of the Republic for them to rebel.
Poe: Ya, so the Republic is still around, i'm sure they saw you entering orbit.
Rey: Ya, they did.
Finn: We've already gotten most of the story since its plastered all over the news, but lets hear in your own words what happened on Yavin.
Rey: Well, we heard about the escaped Padawan and suspected they might try to reach our temple. When they did we knew we would probably have to leave soon. By chance the two fleets arrived at the same moment and mutually obliterated each other, in the chaos we commandeered a ship and fled.
Poe: Damn, that's lucky.
Ben: In my experience, there's no such thing as luck.
Rey: There is more, though i think it should wait for a more private environment.
Finn nods.
Finn: We can use my private council chambers.
Scene cuts to the city, you see the speeders and transports moving down a large road and stopping in front of a building. Everyone disembarks, crowding the sidewalks and street.
Finn: Rey, Ben, this way! My private chambers are on the third floor.
Rey: One minute, i have to find someone.
She moves through the crowd until she sees Garrukk standing with a group of young Jedi including Mace and Ara.
Rey: Hey! Garrukk, come here! You Padawans also, come with me!
The group moves quickly to her side and they are walking toward the doorway when a voice calls out:
Tallrand: Masters, i take it whatever matters are privately discussed with your..comrades will be revealed in full to the council.
Rey: Were going to discuss private personal matters with old friends. It's no concern of the council.
Tallrand: Then is that why your bringing...them? (He gestures toward the Padawans and Garrukk who looks uncomfortable), didn't realize politics had become a family matter for you Rey, you really are part of your husbands family.
Rey is fuming and turns without another word, marching toward the door were Finn, Poe and Ben are watching with a concerned look, Garrukk and the others trailing after her.
Scene changes to the private quarters. It is a large apartment obviously organized for big meetings, Rey, Ben, Finn, Poe, Jinn, Alexander, Mathew, Garrukk, Mace, Ara and five other Padawan are in attendance sitting in a small circle around a table.
Rey: (Reading off a tablet) The message reads: Greetings, friends of the rebellion, true keepers of the light. Your deeds have not gone unnoticed by our agents. Even now, the Sith are building a new rebel fleet, one which can challenge the supremacy of the Republic Navy. We would be honored if you could join us in our final stand against the empire. If you wish to make contact, beam a general transmission to the Ocarno system, where it will be received by a Sith agent, from there you will receive further instruction as to the secret location of the Sith fleet. We greatly anticipate your coming, may your journey be safe and the Force be with you.
They all sit back in silence, Finn and Poe both look pensive, they sit with furrowed brow for a moment.
Finn: Risky. Very risky.
Rey: Yes.
Ben: And there's nothing we can do but choose to gamble everything on one last hope...or not.
Poe: The Padawan could be dispersed throughout the galaxy to continue their training in secret, hidden from the Republic, in ten years an army of Jedi could emerge and throw down the Republic once and for all!
Rey: Ya, in ten years!
Ben: And, lets face it, chances are most of those Jedi won't make it, likely as not the whole network could be exposed and rounded up, this would all be for nothing!
Rey: Everything Luke and Mara fought for, worked for, all that's left of the old rebellion and the old Jedi are here on Pelladrin, and i can't help but feel letting ourselves be scattered to the four winds would be a mistake!
Ben: Throwing away a great opportunity.
Finn: An opportunity to do what? Declare war on the Republic?
Rey: If necessary...yes.
Finn: Ok, but even if there is this big Sith fleet out there we still have to coordinate a galaxy wide revolution or our naval supremacy wont mean a whole lot.
Rey: The people are ready! The core worlds can't hold out if the out rim stops cooperating!
Finn: That's true, but i'm not sure how that happens, were talking about forces far beyond any person or organization. Getting trillions of people to spontaneously rise up and free themselves isn't something you can really plan.
Rey: But if we do join the Sith fleet maybe we can strike a blow at the heart of the Republic to show everyone victory is possible!
Poe: It might embolden people but its not going to fundamentally change peoples views about self governance overnight!
Rey: Well...what about the union? Maybe if we got the UGW to back our fleet the people would see what was happening.
Finn: We can't just make a decision like that, the Union is a non hierarchical body, without the support of the general membership the union is powerless.
Rey: (Frustrated) I know, I know, i just think we have to try something!
Poe: Your right, i'm just not sure how much we can help! We can give you supplies and council, but the decision to join the Sith fleet is ultimately yours.
Ben: We know, its just...worth exploring all the possible options.
Finn: I think you also should be wary of those within your own ranks who are in dissension. That man who yelled at Rey earlier seemed to hold a great deal of unspoken animosity.
Rey: That was Tallrand, hes been giving us trouble for quite some time, hes basically the defacto leader of the conservatives in our group.
Poe: We can have our people watch him if you want.
Rey: I don't think that's necessary, that would just make me feel worse about the situation. No, i intend to keep even Tallrand in the loop, we have to keep to our principles, that's what got us this far. Its no time to start conspiring against each other.
Finn: (Nodding) Good, lets get some rest and refreshment, we can convene tomorrow and continue our conversation, for now we are calling a gathering of the Union assembly and discussing the matter of your arrival, you are all welcome to attend of course.
Ben: I think we should get to our quarters, its been a long journey.
Finn: You will find an attendant outside who will bring you to your quarters.
Everyone stands up and moves toward the door.
Scene Change, It is the guest house where Rey, Ben, Jinn and Alex are staying, you see Jinn exit a door and make her way through the main room heading for the exit, Alex comes in from another door and sees her.
Alexander: Hey, where are you going?
Jinn: (Frustrated) Just, going out.
Alexander: Can I come?
Jinn: (Rolling her eyes) Why do you always have to follow me everywhere? Your so annoying!
Alexander: Am not! Your always mean!
Jinn: Well that's because you drive me crazy! I'm going out on my own, don't even try to follow me!
Alexander is upset and goes back into the door he came from without a word, a look of grief on his face. Jinn looks exasperated and walks out.
Scene cuts to Jinn walking down a quite back street of the city, soft lights illuminate the shadows, she walks by a canal, stopping to watch the reflection of the lights in the water. Presently she looks up and sees someone walking down the road, it is Mathew.
Mathew: Oh, hey! What are you doing out here?
Jinn: Just..taking a walk, seeing a bit of the city while its quite.
Mathew: You'r name is Jinn right?
Jinn: Ya, and your Mathew?
Mathew: Matt is ok if you want.
Jinn: Ok.
They stand silently for a moment, slightly awkward.
Mathew: Everyone is holding up ok?
Jinn: Ya, for the most part.
Mathew: That's good
Jinn: Ya, its nice to be out in the open air again, i was getting tired of being cooped up in that destroyer.
Mathew: Ya i'm not so fond of space travel myself. We don't move around a whole lot.
Jinn: Ya, well, that was actually my first time off world.
Mathew: Wow so you grew up on Yavin?
Jinn: I did.
Mathew: That must have been really interesting! Did you meet Luke Skywalker or Mara Jade?
Jinn: When i was very young, i barely remember.
Mathew: Amazing.
Jinn: It is what it is.
Mathew: Ya i suppose i'm probably mythologizing them.
Jinn: No, they are pretty amazing people, its a lot of responsibility to walk in their footsteps.
Mathew: (Looking at her seriously) Wow ya.
They stand quietly for a moment.
Jinn: I should probably head back, i didn't exactly tell anyone i was leaving.
Mathew: (Smiling) Ok, i can walk you to your house if you want, i'm heading in that direction.
Jinn: Ok, that sounds good.
They walk off together.
Scene changes, it is morning, you see the city shining in the early sunlight, cut to the main room of the apartment, Rey, Ben, Jinn and Alexander are up and sitting at a table eating breakfast, presently the doorbell rings.
Rey: Got it!
She stands and opens the door, it is Poe, Finn and Mathew.
Rey: Hey! Welcome! Come in, come in!
They enter and everyone exchanges warm greetings, Jinn looks sullen and disinterested, Alexander is quiet and shy.
Ben: Sit sit! We were just getting started!
Poe: Thanks! I'm starving!
They sit for a moment eating.
Rey: The Jedi Council is meeting in a few hours, we wanted to extend an invitation to all three of you if your interested, we should be making a final decision about the Sith.
Finn: (Looking at Poe) I think we can make it, this seems important. Have the two of you made up your minds yet?
Rey: We...I..want to join the fleet.
Ben: I also want to join the fleet, i just feel some reservation and am waiting to make my decision until the council can discuss the options.
Rey: But what choice do we really have? I mean one way or another the Republic is going to catch up to us, would you rather it be when they corner us tired and beaten in some remote star system after years of running or after we give everything in a last desperate attempt to destroy the Republic's tyranny once and for all! Even if we are utterly destroyed!
Finn: (with a bit of a smirk) You always were a zealot.
Rey: Well, you know i'm right! And we all know Ben is going to end up voting to join the Sith fleet in the end anyway! He just has to play the part of the cautious philosopher!
Ben: That may be so.
Poe: I'm with Rey! Lets go for it!
Finn: All right, slow down there.
Poe: What about you two? Jinn, Matt, what do you think should be done?
Jinn: I think we should join the fleet, but we can't trust these Sith, we should take some kind of precaution just in case its a trap, make preparations. But ultimately this is an opportunity we can't throw away.
Poe looks at Rey and nods, raising and eyebrow.
Poe: And Mathew?
Mathew: Well, on one hand, it is a huge opportunity, but its just so risky, i'm not sure i could gamble everyone's lives on it, we would probably be better of waiting to see what happens, keep hiding out until the Sith make their move and then we can be sure of what we are joining.
Ben: A wise and level headed course of action.
Rey: But one which practically gives the battle to the enemy!
Ben: The battle is not the war.
Rey: But a single battle can win the war, none the less!
Ben: True enough...
Rey: But...lets not get to carried away, the council meeting is ahead, we will make our final decisions after the debate.
They all nod and continue eating, striking up more casual conversation. Scene change, it is a large chamber with a round table in the center, presently people begin filing into the room, they are the Jedi Council, the highest ranking, eldest and most powerful Jedi from Yavin. With them are also many of the Padawan who have distinguished themselves. Also present are Poe, Finn, Mathew and Jinn.
Elsa: Hello everyone, if you could all find seats, we can begin presently. I have been nominated by the organizers of this meeting to be facilitator if that is acceptable to everyone.
There is widespread nodding and murmurs in affirmation.
Elsa: Good, now let us begin. It is my honor to welcome everyone to this meeting of the Jedi Council formerly of the Temple on Yavin four. We give praise and homage to our benefactors, Master Yoda, Master Skywalker and Master Jade. The three whose profound way and teachings without question made this order what it is. Now, that order stands upon the edge of a knife. Should we stray but a little, all this will be lost. With this said, I would open the meeting, imploring each of you to take deeply into your hearts and minds all that has happened hear and make what decision you feel most benefits the greater good.
She stands silent for a moment, the weight of her words sits heavily upon the council who's faces are grim.
Elsa: Now, I invite each of you to speak on the decision before us, this is a matter of most dire consequence. I implore each of you to take the time this decision is weighted, give it due thought and consideration, the fate of everything we stand for is at stake.
With that she gestures toward the person to her right to begin and sits. The Jedi stands and begins speaking, but the scene cuts to when Garruk is speaking.
Garruk: Honorable Jedi, esteemed hosts (He nods to Poe and Finn), Padawan, members of the council, I implore you to hear the call of revolution sounding throughout the Galaxy. The yearning masses are as we speak breaking their chains in a desperate attempt to overthrow the Republic and restore freedom to the Galaxy! This opportunity comes not even once a life time, it is but a sliver of a chance! We must seize it! No! We must sacrifice ourselves to it! Knowing what is lost, and knowing what is against us, if there is even the smallest hope, the smallest chance of the Sith being real, we must move to aid them! With all our strength! I implore the council to join the Sith fleet!
Next is Tallrand.
Tallrand: Members of the council, hear this, for long have the voices of reaction and agitation spread poison among our ranks. Long have the enemies of reason and stability sown dissent and chaos in an otherwise peaceful society. Now listen to this, calls for war! Calls, for revolution! I call this madness! You have all lost your minds to a dream of ghosts from the past. Well, this is the present and we have to survive here and now in the present. Luke Skywalker isn't swooping in with his X-Wing to destroy the death star and save the Galaxy. This is reality. This is survival. We cannot join this, Sith fleet, this call for revolution is folly, a death sentence on all who follow.
There are murmurs in the crowd. Scene cuts to Rey. She stands with dramatic effect, a look of fury and determination on her face.
Rey: You may say this is all the naive rambling of some radical revolutionary, but i'v seen enough of this Galaxy to know for certain that change is not coming unless people like us are willing to go the length to struggle for what we believe in, not just sit back with grand ideas in our heads doing nothing but looking out for our own survival! We have to be people of action! That's the way Luke and Mara wanted it, and you may mock Luke and what he sacrificed and won for use (Tallrand scowls) but let me remind you those people chose to fight when they also could have run! And why? Because they believed in something! Something they fought for and won! And we can win to! We can! But only, only if we fight! I say we Join!
There are shouts of approval and applause, Rey is beaming with power.
The scene cuts, it is still the council but now they are preparing to vote.
Elsa: Very well, the arguments have been heard, now, as we must when making a difficult decision such as this, we will take a vote.
A tablet is passed around, people are silent, faces are grim and tense, finally, Elsa holds the tablet and looks at the result.
Elsa: The Jedi of Yavin...Will join the Sith Fleet!
Most of the room explodes in applause, Tallrand and about 30 others look angry. Suddenly Tallrand jumps to his feet and thrusts his hand into the air, igniting a green lightsaber. The room goes silent, everyone stands in shock, staring at the green blade.
Tallrand: This...has gone far enough. I won't lose my life to some damn idealistic crusade, I won't stay here, i won't be joining the fleet, anyone whose with me, lets go, anyone who gets in my way (He lowers the lightsaber and holds it threateningly forward) will be destroyed.
Rey: Tallrand! You insane fool!
Tallrand: (Shouting) Who's with me!
About twenty Jedi stand, they back into a corner with Tallrand, Saber still held forward standing in the front.
Elsa: Tallrand! How dare you disrupt this council! If you want to leave, no one is going to stop you.
As if to answer, the rest of the Council back away from Tallrand, leaving the pathway to the door open.
Ben: Go. We've had enough of you and your type. Get out.
Tallrands snarls with anger and without a word walks out the door, the Jedi behind him follow. Everyone stands silently.
Rey: We are all here by choice now. We are going to do this.
Everyone looks at each other nodding, still with shock in their eyes.
Scene change, it is a large meeting hall with a stage at the front and rows of seats. People are filling in, on the walls are banners with the Union of Galactic Workers (UGW) logo and colors. The room fills up, you see Poe and Finn near the front talking with a group of people, Rey, Ben, Jinn, Alexander and several others are seen entering and sitting near the back.
Finally a few people take the stage, Finn one of them, an older man approaches a microphone.
Balthar: Good afternoon everyone, for those who don't know me, my name is Jonas Balthar, i'v been with the Union for over 40 years. With your permission we would like to nominate this group to facilitate the meeting.
The crowd answers with cheers and yells in the affirmative.
Balthar: Very good. Now, as many of you no doubt are aware, we are currently giving host to the Jedi from Yavin four, this includes the 100 Padawan who escaped from the military academy and are currently on the run from the Republic. Yesterday the Union decided unanimously to give safe harbor to all the fugitives from Yavin for as long as it is possible.
There are more cheers and shouts of approval.
Balthar: However, leaders of the Jedi Council have informed us that a decision has been reached to join the Sith fleet which is assembling somewhere in the outer rim. The Union is clearly divided on whether to send aid as it would constitute a significant risk and investment of resources. Let me remind you we still face daily skirmishes with Republic troops in the southern region and the Senate might take notice of us at any time and deploy the fleet. We need to be prepared!
There are shouts and cheers in affirmation but also boos and shouts in anger and arguments are seen breaking out across the room.
One of the others steps forward, she is a young woman dressed neatly with hair tied back.
Acilla: Everyone, everyone, please, lets keep this civil! We all know this is going to be controversial, there are a lot of strong feelings going around, there's a lot on the line. It's more important to keep the Union strong and united than to attempt a massive effort that leaves us inevitably crippled. As much as my heart would long to join the rebel fleet, we cannot realistically spare the resources or personnel.
People calm down but the air is tense. Finn Steps forward.
Finn: Alright everyone, i think its pretty clear how things are going, maybe we should move on to other matters?
People nod and answer in the affirmative, still distracted and tense from the confrontation. The meeting goes on but cuts to its conclusion where everyone is standing and milling about. You see Rey and Ben socializing with a large group including Poe and Finn, Jinn stands awkwardly with Alexander near by. Mathew is also seen nearby.
Presently a group of young men approach Jinn.
Adam: Hey, your with the Jedi right?
Jinn: Ya, why?
Adam: Well, were going to a party later at a dance club, want to come?
Jinn: (Looking a little surprised) .....Sure!
Adam: Great! We were heading out soon.
Jinn: Cool, ill be right with you.
The group turns and moves off, Alexander approaches Jinn.
Alexander: Are you going? Can I come?
Jinn: NO. Jeez, can't you leave me alone?
Alexander: Why not i really want to?
Jinn: Because, your just a kid, and you drive me crazy.
Mathew approaches now.
Mathew: Hey, maybe I should come to. I think i know what club they are talking about and its in a rough part of town.
Jinn: Great you to?
Mathew: Just saying, it might be a good idea. Especially if you bring Alexander.
Jinn: I'm not!
Mathew: Well...
Adam: Hey they can come! Its fine! The kid to!
Alexander lights up.
Alexander: Really? Awesome!
Jinn looks glum but accepts it.
Adam smiles at her and moves off again.
Mathew: Sorry.
Jinn: (Sighing) Its ok, i don't know why i was being so hostile, i feel like an ass.
Mathew: You're not, your just under a lot of pressure.
She looks at him.
Jinn: Thanks.
Mathew: Any time.
Scene change, it is a street somewhere in the city, you see a club with electronic music playing, people are partying out in front. A speeder pulls up and the crew of boys with Adam at the head jump out, Jinn, Mathew and Alexander follow.
Adam: Welcome to the best party in town!
Jinn looks at Mathew and raises her eyebrow, he smirks a bit. They all walk inside and you see an energetic party with people drinking and dancing. They all join in and are having fun.
Suddenly there is loud Bang! A cloud of smoke fills part of the room, people are coughing and stumbling around, suddenly Republic troopers burst through the door, leveling Blasters and tossing more smoke grenades. People are screaming in terror and running about trying desperately to escape but the troops have barred the exit, they are tackling people and binding their hands before leading them out one by one.
You see Jinn, Alexander, Mathew and a few of the boys in Adam's crew looking around in a panic.
Adam: Quick! The kid! (He gestures to Alexander) There might be a way to get him out!
Jinn: (Panicked) Do it!
Adam: James, the vent!
They run to a wall where there is an unobtrusive looking vent behind one of the benches, the boy pries the vent off, it is just big enough for Alexander to fit. He turns back to look at Jinn, fear in his eyes. Jinn puts a hand on his shoulder.
Jinn: Go find mom and dad.
Alexander nods and then hugs her. He turns and crawls in the tight passage, fitting with relative ease.
Adam replaces the panel and looks at Jinn with regret.
Adam: Sorry i got you into this
Jinn: Its ok, not your fault. Just glad I left my light saber back at the house.
Mathew: We will be ok, they will get us out some how.
They stand silently and wait until finally the Troopers bind their hands and drag them roughly outside.
Scene changes to outside, you see Alexander watching as the columns of troops load the prisoners onto a transport speeder, presently the troopers get in and it begins to move. Not wasting a second Alexander begins to run after it, struggling to keep pace but managing to keep it in sight. Parts of the city are obviously under attack. Finally, after turns and twists, it reaches a building with storm troopers standing guard in front. The prisoners are unloaded and moved into the building with the guards.
You see Alexander watching from behind a parked speeder, then moving off at a run.
Scene change, Rey and Ben's apartment, Ben sits mutely staring into space, Rey is pacing back and forth. Suddenly the door bursts open and Poe and Finn enter.
Finn: Were under attack! Half the cities been occupied by the Republic!
Rey: We could here the blasts!
Poe: There's at least a full garrison in the streets, heavy armored vehicles.
Rey: Jinn and Alexander are missing!
Poe: So is Mathew.
They stand silently in dread, then suddenly the door opens and Alexander runs in, out of breath and exhausted.
Alexander: Found them! (He is out of breath)
Rey: Alexander!
She rushes forward and hugs him. Ben jumps up.
Ben: What did he say?
Alexander: Found them!
Finn: Where?
Alexander: I can take you there!
Finn: (Gesturing to everyone) Come on!
Grabbing supplies and weapons they all run out the door following Alexander who is bent with purpose.
There is chaos in the streets, everywhere, people are fleeing, some are beginning to fight back, you see Poe, Finn, Ben and Rey run down a street, followed by Alexander, suddenly, a group of storm troopers block their path.
Finn: Down!
Poe drags Alexander out of the way as they all dive for cover, a hail of blaster fire explodes around them, Poe and Finn return fire, crouched behind trees or parked speeders.
Suddenly Ben and Rey draw their twin blue light saber and dash forward, deflecting blasters with expertise to return and strike a trooper in the chest, reaching the group they cut down the helpless troopers with ease, standing solemn and victorious.
A black robed figure leaps from the shadows, face covered, they ignite a red saber beam and attack Ben and Rey with furious skill. Poe, Finn and Alexander stand gaping as the three dance in twirling strikes, their skill unparalleled. Finally, together, Rey and Ben cut down the dark Jedi, they stand tired and shaking, retracting their sabers.
Rey: Well, come on!
They run down the streets, dodging more troopers.
Alexander: Just down here!
Presently they come around a corner and you see the building guarded by the troopers. Quietly the set up a position behind a concrete barrier, Poe and Finn poke their blasters out and on Finns command they shoot down the two guards. Everyone leaps out and they rush at the building, flinging the doors open and bowling over a trooper just inside.
They charge forward, Rey and Ben ignite sabers and coming around a corner find a large room converted into a prison, several troopers are there with a group of 30 or so young people. Rey and Ben leap with fury on the troopers, cutting them down.
Using utility tools, Poe and Finn start freeing the kids, including Mathew and Jinn.
Rey: Jinn!
Rey and Jinn hug, relief in both their eyes.
Ben: Hey, kiddo!
Jinn: Dad!
They hug.
Jinn looks at Alexander.
Jinn: Good job, you did great!
Alexander beams, they hug.
On the other side of the room you see Mathew reunited with Poe and Finn. Presently the group approaches Rey, Ben, Jinn and Alexander.
Finn: This isn't over yet. Lets get back to safe territory.
The young people are free and the group moves out of the building and cautiously down the street. There is a growing commotion, coming around a corner you see a massive mob, many bearing the UGW flag or wearing its colors, they are lightly armed, some with blasters, many with poles or other melee weapons. Some openly walk while other have their faces covered. The group charges to a run, issuing a massive battle cry. You see a group of a dozen or so troops holding an intersection not far away. They open fire on the mob, backing up in apparent fear.
The mob charges at them full speed, many are hit but they reach the troopers who are overrun. Everyone is cheering, the young people join the mob which moves off to continue the fight.
Finn: Its happening! Were going to win! Come on lets fight!
Rey: Jinn, bring your brother home!
Jinn: I want to fight!
Rey: No! You can't leave your brother! Your time will come.
Jinn looks at her and then nods sadly, she grabs Alexanders hand and together they move toward the apartment.
Mathew: Ill go to, i'm no fighter.
He moves quickly and joins with them, together they move off.
Rey, Ben, Poe and Finn turn and head in the direction the mob was going, the camera pans upwards and you see the city, some of it on fire, lights everywhere, some blaster fire, and several masses of lights which are obviously mobs of people. Shot cuts to the morning but same angle over the city. Smoke is in the air, there is damage but most buildings are untouched.
Scene cuts to Rey and Ben, they are walking through the streets which are filled with rubble, they both look exhausted, they work their way slowly down the road and finally enter the apartment where Jinn, Alexander and Mathew are all waiting.
Alexander: Dad! Mom! Did we win?
Ben: We won.
He slumps into a chair, eyes half closed.
Mathew: Thank you for saving us, we really owe you one.
Rey: Of course we couldn't leave you. Your like flesh and blood to us, and your parents would do the same for Jinn or Alex.
Jinn: We also have Alexander to thank, hes the one who decided to follow us after we had been captured, if not for that, well, who knows.
Rey: That was very risky, and very brave.
Alexander blushes.
Suddenly the door opens, Poe and Finn are there.
Finn: Hi everyone, the Union is holding an emergency session in 15 minutes, your all invited to attend.
Poe: It seems the attack has changed peoples mind about joining the Sith fleet!
Rey: (Suddenly Excited) Really?
Finn: Yes, the people came together last night like we havn't in many years. It hasn't felt like this since the revolution. People want to stay together and fight, not let things go back to normal.
Rey: This is really happening! Come on lets go to the meeting!
She grabs Ben's hand and drags him out of his chair, everyone gets up and they all walk outside.
Scene changes, it is the large room where the Union meeting took place. It is already full of a rawkus crowd, obviously still awake from last nights street fighting. Someone, a young women is standing on the stage giving a speech, she holds a storm trooper helmet in her arms, held over her head.
Hannah: This! This is the face of your oppressor! The law! The state!
The crowd is going wild cheering and screaming.
Hannah: Down with the Republic!
She smashes the helmet on the stage in front of her, cracking the face plate, it bounces into the crowd who surge forward and smash the helmet to pieces in gleeful rage!
Hannah: To War! To Revolution!
The people cheer. You see Rey, Ben and the other watching in the back. Rey and Ben exchange bemused but excited looks.
Hannah: The people are ready, but we want to hear it from the Jedi themselves. Will you step forward and tell us yourselves how we can join this new rebel fleet?
Everyone turns and looks at Rey and Ben, suddenly they freeze in the spotlight. Rey grabs Ben's hand.
Rey: I'll go.
She smiles at him and then moves through the crowd to the stage to stand next to Hannah who nods at her. She approaches the microphone.
Rey: Thank you everyone, it's an honor to be here, witnessing a revolutionary moment in history. Whats more, it is an honor to be able to offer you an opportunity to strike back at the Republic for all it has taken from you! I'm speaking of course of the Sith fleet, with which we have been in communication and who have offered us a place among them. So if the people will it, we should depart this system in the next few days with as many ships and warriors as we can take with us, from there we will make contact and join the fleet! Now is the time to commit ourselves to action, to make a stand! Together, the force is with us!
The people erupt in cheers and affirmatives, Rey stands silent and regal before them, looking out over the crowd with a deep sense of purpose.
Scene changes, you see the commandeered destroyer leaving the planet, following it is a rag tag band of ships, three other destroyers in various conditions, and a hundred or so cruisers and other smaller ships.
Scene changes to inside the destroyer, Rey, Ben and the other Jedi are on the bridge.
Rebel: Communication from the Mayday coming in.
Rey: Show it on screen please!
Rebel: Yes ma'am.
The screen pops up an image of Poe, Finn and others on the bridge of a destroyer.
Finn: Ready for lightspeed.
Rey: Copy that, lets make the jump.
Scene cuts to outside again, you see the ships jump off into hyperspace one by one.
Cut to shot of Blue-Green world in orbit, then cut to shot of a cloudy, rawkus jungle from above. You see a scout tower protruding from above the canopy. Cut the entry of a hanger in a cliff wall, people are coming in and out, inside the bay doors can be seen fighters and other equipment, there are storm troopers and imperial technicians. Presently a transport ship enters from the sky and flys into the hanger, the camera follows it as it lands in an empty space. A ramp extends and hatch opens, revealing Jaina Solo followed by four Republic storm troopers. She walks down the ramp and meets a group of officers.
Officer: Ma'am, welcome to the command center. If you'll come this way please.
Jaina: Thank you.
They walk together out of the hanger into a doorway leading deeper into the facility. Scene changes to a conference chamber, 10 officers sit around a table, Jaina stands watching, her arms folded, there are also a few royal advisers and other diplomats.
Officer 1: The fleet is stretched to thin across the Galaxy. We cannot hope to match our enemy unless we capture more ship building capability.
Officer 2: Are you suggesting we reassign destroyers and leave a dozen systems defenseless? The moral defeat would be catastrophic no matter the material gain.
Officer 1: The situation is desperate. We may have no choice but to make that sacrifice.
Adviser: The royal council would be most displeased if any more systems fell into the hands of the Industrial Guild. The operation is out of the question. I'm afraid you will have to fight this war with the shipyards we already have Lt.
Officer 1: There's no way we can achieve victory without redeploying the fleet. We will be whittled down and scattered.
Officer 3: There's another problem. We still haven't managed the supply issues. Our army isn't getting proper gear, weapons, rations, anything. The're fighting on a half tank and that's costing us.
Officer 1: It's because our supply lines are stretched thin trying to hold to much territory, we must withdraw the fleet to defend a more realistic space.
Adviser: It's out of the question!
Jaina: Were not giving up an inch of territory. We need to fight smarter, not harder. We need those ship yards and we can't afford to give up any territory. So lets use methods to defend our star systems without destroyers. We need to embed a guerrilla force among the population of any world that we leave defenseless. We can also mine the space around those systems. Then we withdraw our fleet and mass them for an attack on the three nearest shipyards.
Officer 1: It...seems possible, we can be ready within a few days.
Adviser: That would be acceptable. Are you sure those defensive measure can counter a full scale attack?
Jaina: We can make sure it costs them enough to be worthwhile.
The Adviser nods ,satisfied. Without warning a base wide proximity alarm sounds shrill and loud, red lights flash on the wall. The room is silent for a moment.
Officer 1: Proximity alarm! Get to your station.
Jaina: We've been betrayed!
Scene changes, shot of orbit, there are two star destroyers moving toward the planet. Scene cuts to bridge of one destroyer. Jacen stands on the bridge.
Officer: We have reached orbit sir, should we begin bombardment?
Jacen: No, hold your fire. (Into radio) General, you may begin your landing.
Radio: Yes sir
Jacen: I wan't her alive...
Scene cuts to orbit, you see one of the destroyers move into the atmosphere and descend toward the planets surface.
Scene cuts to inside the command center of Jaina's base. Operators are frantically taking readings and making calculations. Jaina stands watching a readout with an officer at the controls.
Officer: Destroyer landing in..sector 5. Deploy ground defenses. (Turning to Jaina) Ma'am, you should prepare to evacuate. This may be a battle we cannot win.
Jaina is silent for a moment, staring at the readouts in pensive anger. Finally she turns to leave.
Jaina: Good luck.
The officer nods and she moves away quickly. Scene changes to defensive position, you see troops along a ridge top looking out over the jungle with binoculars. Presently, you see dots along the horizon, the troops are zooming in on them and frantically preparing. Scene cuts and dots have materialized into AT-AT's working their way through the jungle toward the defensive position.
Trooper: (Into Radio) Heavy walkers coming from the south west.
Radio: Copy, hold position until evacuation is complete.
Scene cuts to defensive position, where At-At's are in range, they fire at the ridge top position causing chaos, the troops fire back causing minimal damage, but they hold out under withering fire. Some technicians are seen making a calculation and then the thumbs up. Suddenly a massive explosion comes from underground and takes down an AT-AT. The troops cheer but many more are inbound.
Scene cuts to Jaina still running in the corridor, suddenly the tunnel in front of her collapses and she falls to the ground, the way ahead blocked. Dusting herself off she stands and moves down the corridor, pulling a communicator from her utility belt.
Jaina: The tunnel is blocked, im going to have to go around the long way!
Radio: Acknowledged
Jaina turns a few corners then opens a door revealing the jungle outside, she steps out and starts jogging down a path working her way around the outside of the building.
Scene now cuts to a hanger where ships are flying out, leaving into orbit to escape. Cut back to defensive position.
Radio: Most transports are away. Begin retreat. Repeat, begin your retreat.
Trooper: Come on!
The troops abandon their positions and start back to the base, AT-ATs close on their heals. Cut to cockpit of AT-AT, you see and imperial officer watching through the view screen as drivers direct the craft. Suddenly a holo image appears, it is Jacen.
Jacen: General, you have the base in your sights?
General: I do my lord. Should I open fire?
Jacen: Destroy it.
The image vanishes. The General points to the base in the view screen.
General: Target the main compound, maximum firepower!
Scene cuts to outside, the AT AT turns and charges for a moment before firing a heavy blast which crushes through the compound, it explodes in a fire ball, cave systems collapsing in on themselves.
Scene cuts to Jaina who is thrown off her feet by the explosion. A moment later you see the fire ball rise above the jungle canopy, Jaina stares at it in horror for a few moment, then turns and runs in the jungle away from the compound.
Scene cuts to Jaina a bit further away, now she is walking slower, working her way through the foliage. Suddenly a blaster shot comes from behind and whistles over her head. She dives down, pulling a blaster and returning fire, suddenly a Republic scout trooper is a behind her with a blaster her pistol to her head.
Scout: Alright princess, hands up, lets go, no funny business
Jaina scowls but puts her hands up, a trooper runs forward and snatches her blaster and the light saber off her belt.
Scout: Lets go, Now!
Jaina follows the troopers into a nearby clearing, there are a dozen storm troopers all fanned out in a circle pointing weapons, as well a black robed Delta Jedi stands with a smug look on his face. Jaina keeps her hands on her head and stands defiant yet obviously beaten.
Suddenly a figure leaps from the bushes, He is massive, hulking over the troopers, he wears a grey brown cloak with hood obscuring his face. A blue light saber bursts into life in his hand and in a swift motion he cuts down a trooper, in surprise the others stand motionless while he charges at a second trooper who stumbles backward and drops his blaster. The rest open fire, the man twirls his blade and deflects the blasts expertly, catching three troopers in the chest in quick succession, he leaps upon another and cuts him down. The black robed Jedi joins the fray, he throws away his robe and ignites a red saber, the two clash with expertise.
Jaina leaps at a trooper and kicks him hard in the chest, he goes down and she leaps on him wrestling away his blaster and then shooting him in the head. She turns and guns down another then rolls to dodge a blast. Turning, she sees the large Jedi cut down the black robed Jedi. The last trooper flees into the jungle. Jaina sits panting, the man retracts his saber and turns to her, finally pulling back his hood. He is tall, standing more at more than 7 feet, his face is weathered, revealing his true age, his head is shaved bald.
Soren: Are you alright?
Jaina: Yes, i am. Who are you? How did you find me out here?
Soren: My name is Sorren Jesskatal, I am the Royal Duchess's Retainer, her master of arms you might say. Sometimes I am her body guard, other times she sends me on special missions or errands, such as this one.
Jaina: To protect me?
Soren: Yes, she wanted me to make sure you had some one there in case things didn't go as planned.
Jaina: Thank you.
Soren: She really cares for you, I've never seen her do so much to try and protect someone...or put so much power in another persons hands.
Jaina: We have a special connection.
Soren: Indeed. (He pauses and looks about) We should move, i have a ship some miles from here, it shouldn't be a difficult journey.
Jaina nods and stands, shes turns and scans the ground, spotting her light saber lying next to a fallen trooper. She walks over to it and picks it up.
Jaina: I'll take this thank you very much.
Soren leaves down a path and Jaina follows.
Scene changes, you see Jaina and Soren walking down a path, the camera follows them.
Jaina: You knew my parents?
Soren: Yes, I fought in the rebellion, same as they did, that was before I was a Jedi of corse.
Jaina: Did you see Yavin or Endor?
Soren: I fought in the battle of Endor, flew a fighter in the defense of the Rebel fleet.
Jaina: Wow, that's incredible.
Soren: It was certainly an unforgettable experience.
Jaina: So how did you end up working for the Royal Family if you were a die hard revolutionary?
Soren: A lot of opportunities dried up after the war, especially for fighter pilots. At least until the Imperial Remnant emerged, but i had already signed a 10 year contract at that point. Of course we ended up fighting the Remnant anyway.
Jaina: Right.
Soren: What about you? What leads the daughter of the most famous revolutionaries in history to wage a pointless civil war against her brother?
Jaina: Well, when you put it that way, I guess it is petty. But hes really the one who turned this thing from a simple brawl between siblings into a full on war. All I did was defend myself.
Soren: Yet now your locked in a cycle of violence that won't end unless one of you stops fighting.
Jaina: Well Jacen won't that's for sure.
Soren: Then you should.
Jaina: What? That's ridiculous. You wan't me to abandon everything were fighting for?
Soren: Is that you or the Duchess speaking?
Jaina: Oh, the Duchess, how am I going to explain this? We lost our entire command center, our leadership is scattered.
Soren: Jaina, you can end this.
Jaina: Look, thank you for the rescue but, I know what I have to do, I made a promise to the Duchess and i'm going to keep it.
Soren: You must do what you feel is right of course.
Scene cuts to a destroyer approaching Coruscant, then to a Republic council chamber where various officers and industrialists sit.
Officer: The Royalists will continue to gain support in the Republic Senate until...
Count Dooku and Jacen enter the room, striding around the the head of the table, Count Dooku sits and Jacen stands behind him.
Dooku: The Republic Senate will no longer be of any concern to us, we have just received word that our forces have destroyed the enemy command center and killed most of their leadership.
Officer 2: What of the Lady Solo? Were you able to capture her?
Dooku: She was able to elude us, but mark my words we will capture her.
Industrialist: how can she continue to slip through your fingers Count Dooku? We have given you every resource to pursue her!
Jacen: Jaina Solo will soon be in our hands General, of that I assure you.
Industrialist: You say that but you have still failed to destroy the enemy fleet, or fully secure our assets from their attacks.
Officer 1: Any move the Royalists make will be useless gesture! Our starfleet is now the ultimate power in the galaxy! I suggest we use it.
Jacen: Do not be so proud of this Empire you've created General, the power to wage war across the Galaxy is insignificant next to the power Jaina possess.
Officer 1: Your sad obsession with her has held back this war effort for long enough! You're failure to locate the Duchess or capture the escaped Padawan has caused us enough problems. When will you accept that your lack of command experience and petty need for revenge has made it impossible to stop our enemies from...
Jacen is silent but stares with fury at the General, walking slowly around Dooku to face him and then reaching slowly for his light saber without breaking eye contact. The General stop speaking and the two glare at each other with fury.
Dooku: Enough of this! This bickering is pointless. Now Lord Solo will provide us with the location of the Duchess then we will move to destroy the Royalist fleet in one swift stroke!
Scene changes, it is the Jedi Council chamber on Coruscant. The Council sits waiting. Presently Jacen Solo enters. He kneels before the council.
Jacen: Masters.
Carrow: Arise Master Solo. We have been expecting you since news of the enemy command center's destruction. The council is pleased, but also concerned that Jaina Solo is still at large. How is it you failed to capture or kill her?
Jacen: My master, she escaped into the jungle during the attack, according to our reports she was aided by Royalist Jedi agents who escaped with her.
Zephyr: Master Solo, this conflict has raged on long enough, the Jedi made an alliance with the Industrial Guild in order to secure assurance that the Sith would be annihilated after the war was won! We expect results to be delivered when promises are made. Do you understand? Otherwise, there will be consequences.
Jacen: (Through gritted teeth) Yes Master.
Zephyr: Very good, rally the fleet, I want the Duchess and Jaina found! Destroy our enemies. You may go.
Jacen bows and leaves, camera follows him as he turns into the corridor and steps into an elevator, a dark look in his eyes.
Scene changes. It is a star system with a rocky, barren looking planet, presently a group of ships jump into orbit, it is the commandeered destroyer and the Union fleet. Scene cuts to bridge of the commandeered destroyer. Rey, Ben, Jinn and other Jedi stand on the bridge.
Rebel: Signal sent.
Rey: Now we wait, the message said we should receive further instructions as to the location of the fleet.
They all watch silently for a few moments, then suddenly a small ship jumps into orbit.
Rey: Look!
Rebel: Receiving transmission, its a set of warp coordinates!
Ben: Look the ship is leaving.
Rey: Alright lets do this, send a transmission to the fleet, tell them we leave for the Sith fleet as soon as we've made light speed calculations!
Rebel: Yes Ma'am.
Scene cuts to outside ships, you see them turn and jump away into hyperspace. Scene cuts to bridge of the destroyer, you see the hyperspace tunnel on the view screen, then they come out of hyperspace and the stars jump into view. Ahead there is a massive fleet, three capital destroyers with roughly one hundred small destroyers and thousands of cruisers and other small ships.
They are speechless for a moment.
Rey: It...It's massive...
Bey: My god...
Rey: Big's big enough! There must be 100 destroyers, and look at those capital ships!
She turns to Ben in excitement.
Rey: This is it! We can do this!
Ben: Ya, it seems like it.
Rebel: Receiving transmission: We have been invited to dock with one of the Capital ships in order to attend a council with the Rebel leadership!
Rey: Ok, send a message to the Union ships to join us.
Rebel: Done.
Scene cuts to the small Union fleet moving toward one of the Super Destroyers, they pull up along side and dock, Scene cuts to hatchway where Rey, Ben, Jinn, Alexander and other Jedi stand. The hatch opens and a group of warriors greet them. They wear various garb, some are alien but most human, a few appear to be Jedi and carry light sabers at their belts while others have blasters. A young woman steps forward, she is in Jedi type garb.
Tallon: Welcome to the Sith fleet master Jedi's. May name is Master Tallon. If you come this way, our war council is about to begin.
Rey: Thank you, My name is Rey Solo, we are honored to join you!
The woman gestures for the group to disembark and the crowd moves into the ship, following Tallon.
Walking through corridors they pass more soldiers going about ship operations. At a corridor they meet another group leading Poe, Finn and others from the Union.
Poe: Hey! This is incredible! Looks like you were right!
Rey: I know, it's amazing!
Tallon: This way everyone, the council chamber is just ahead.
They walk down another hallway and through a massive set of doors which slide apart as they approach, revealing a giant open council chamber with ceilings 100 feet high, the room easily fits the thousand or so attendees. On one far end is a raised platform where a group of people are milling around.
Rey: Wow!
Poe: Would you look at that!
Tallon: Welcome to the council of War!
The shot pans around showing the various groups in attendance, many appear to be units defecting from militaries on various rim worlds, others of aliens species who seemed to also have sent units of their military to join the rebel fleet. There are mishmashes of oddly equipped and dressed people, alien and human, who seemed to just have been showing up without a lot of organization. They are scattered throughout mingling with the others. A large number appear to be Jedi of various types, some of these Rey thought must be the Sith though they seemed indistinguishable from any other Jedi you might find on Coruscant. Some of the groups seemed more like Knightly orders with their own uniforms and flags, while others seemed a more monastic aesthetic type with only robes and the signature light saber at their belts. Rey, Ben and the others stand taking in the scene. Their attention is drawn to a nearby group who appear to dress in a mishmash of tactical gear and weapons, some of them even sporting mandalorian helmets despite being inside. The ones whose faces could be seen had a strange tiger like pattern of tattoos across their faces and bodies.
Rey nudges Finn and points at them.
Rey: Who are they?
Finn: Oh, those are Maulists! They follow the teachings of the Jedi Maul who lives about 100 years ago.
Rey: Oh i have heard of him, I didn't realize he still had followers.
Finn: Ya they are notorious terrorists and revolutionaries, the main group hides out in the asteroid belt of the Antaria system. They launch hit and run raids, bombings, that kinda stuff.
Rey: Interesting.
Finn: Ya it looks like most of them must be here.
Rey: Wow, this is incredible, lets find seats.
The group make there way to an empty area, layers of slightly curving stone benches descend toward the center of the room with stair ways every so often running from lower to upper area. They sit and presently the meeting is coming to order. You see a small group still remaining on the raised platform. One of them steps forward, he is an alien, A Muun, tall mostly humanoid but hairless and with a strange elongated face, his arms and legs are also long and lanky, giving him a wiry graceful appearance.
Plagueis: Welcome friends of the rebellion. For those of you who are new here, I am Sith Master Plagueis, organizer of this fleet. I come before you today, not as a leader, but as a comrade! A brother in arms working to bring this revolution to successful end. Now, for the benefit of those newly arriving, I would give a brief summery about who I am and why we are here. As many of you have doubtless heard, I am indeed an ancient Sith Master from the original Sith Empire as it existed over 10,000 years ago. A group of us discovered the secret of Immortality, at least in preventing the aging of ones self. I now, am the only one left, after all these years, I have witnessed great and terrible things! Wars! Empires! Death and destruction, slavery, and conquest. Now, as you all know, this Republic, this Empire, let us call it by its true name, is the direct descendant of the Galactic Empire ruled by the hated Emperor Palpetine. Yet, even as the rebel alliance swept to victory, the seeds of the new tyranny were sown in clinging to the old ways of governance, the Senate, Democracy, Capitalism, instead of forging ahead with the new! Creating a new system! Something which works for the benefit of all worlds and beings, one which does not concentrate wealth in the hands of the few while leaving the masses to starve! One which does not murder our children in return for the promise of peace. One in which we are allowed the dignity of freedom! Do not ever forget, that this is your birth right. So here we are now, ready to build something greater! A better world where all people, regardless of species, gender, race or social class are treated equally, a world without imprisonment or slavery! Join me, and together we will fight for this new vision! The power is in our hands!
He raises his arms in triumph, the room explodes in applause, people are going crazy, throwing hats or other items, cheering wildly. Rey, Ben and the others are dumbfounded. Finally the applause stops, Plagueis continues.
Plagueis: Thank you everyone, now, let the war meeting begin, as you all know the time for our attack is imminent! The Republic is shattered with Civil War and the fleet scattered, even so! Coruscant has the most advanced defenses in the whole Republic, even with our massive fleet attacking the Capital of the Republic will not be easy. Our main strategic objectives up to this point have been capturing the Republic Senate, capturing or destroying the Republic Navy Command Center and attempting to cripple or destroy the main force of the Republic Navy's fleet. As well we hope to induce spontaneous revolution across the galaxy, enabled by the loss of central command and neutralization of the Navy.
Rey: (Whispering to Ben) It's just like I imagined!
Plagueis: Now, i'll turn facilitation of this meeting over to the group, may we go swiftly to victory and may the force be with you.
A few people from the group on the raised platform step forward and Plagueis steps back. Scene cuts to later, Rey, Ben, Jinn and Alexander have been placed in quarters, they are relatively sparse but not lacking in amenities. The door buzzes, Rey steps forward and opens it, to her surprise it is master Plagueis.
Rey: Master! We weren't expecting you in person.
Plagueis: Well why not? I'm just another person, this is bigger than me.
Rey: Well ok, thank you for coming, you honor us!
Plagueis: It is you who honor us!
Rey: Please come in!
Plagueis steps forward and Rey offers him a seat which he takes.
Rey: This is Ben, my husband, Jinn and Alexander, our children.
Plagueis: It is a pleasure to meet all of you.
They all greet him, Ben pours Plagueis some tea and they all sit at the table.
Plagueis: So, I have heard some tell of your doings, but I would rather here it from you personally, what has happened and what brings you here?
Rey looks at Ben who nods at her, she smiles.
Rey: Well, we were trained by Bens uncle Luke Skywalker and his wife Mara Jade, the two greatest Jedi we have ever known and the founders of our order, the Yavin Temple Jedi. Ben's siblings are power hungry twins who started a war and destroyed everything we have been working for, since then we have fled from the Republic and when we received your message felt we had to join you, it must be the will of the force that everything happened as it did!
Plagueis: Indeed it was. For i have been waiting a very long time for this moment. Your coming was no coincidence.
Rey: I just wanted to say (Rey turns a little red) that was the best speech i have ever heard, I was so inspired, the way people reacted, it was so authentic. I want you to know after everything I've seen I have complete faith in this.
Plagueis: (Laughing Slightly) I would never advise one to put ones faith completely in anything, but I will accept the comment in good humor.
Rey: (Laughing a bit as well) Fair enough. But...I have so many questions! For instance, you say you come from the ancient Sith empire! What was that like? It was defeated by the old Coruscantan empire long before the Republic?
Plagueis: Yes...yes, right on both counts, you do know your history.
Rey: I've been studying a lot.
Plagueis: It shows. So yes, to continue, long before the Republic or the old empires, there where many millions of planets all trading and living in harmony, then on Coruscant, the human species, which had already spread to thousands of planets, created a tyrannous empire unlike anything seen before. They launched a war which conquered half the galaxy. We the Sith Empire, questionable in our own right, were one of their main adversaries, until we were utterly destroyed in a ruthless war of conquest, every system we controlled was burned to the ground, every citizen they caught was murdered. Our Jedi order, what you now know as the Sith, survives in only a remnant form to this day, of which i am the oldest living lineage.
There is silence, everyone in the room is absolutely captivated, even Alexander.
Plagueis: As for myself, when the battle ended, i took what friends I had left and we made our way to the outer rim, becoming nomads and keeping alive the faith we so cherished. One by one we succumbed to death, despite our agelessness. I persevered. Perhaps, just because of the fiery anger I hold in my heart to this day.
They sit again in silence, but no one interrupts, so Plagueis continues.
Plagueis: And now, here we are, the force has lead me here, first, I called the remnants of my people for a council. That was three years ago, when first i felt a tremor in the force, we all knew what was coming, so we prepared. Then we launched a general call for revolution, each of us bringing in every resource we could, eventually the other Sith factions joined us, then many rogue Jedi, revolutionaries, terrorists like the Maulists, defecting Republic troops, bands of citizens ready to put everything on the line for the chance for freedom. Everyone is here. This is it, the force has lead us all here for a reason, you no less than I.
Finally it is as if a spell is broken, Plagueis stops, every one stretches and relaxes a bit.
Rey: Thats incredible, I...I wish we had years to talk to you about everything you have seen. From everything we heard at the war council there is a great deal to prepare for the attack.
Plagueis: Yes, and, I'm sorry to do this, but I must be on my way unfortunately. Though, we do hold a daily Sith training session for any who are interested, please inquire to the main computer. He locks eyes with each of them including Jinn and Alexander.
Ben: Thank you for everything.
Plagueis: (Bowing) It is my pleasure, again, it is you I must thank for your presence.
Rey: We will see you soon.
Plagueis leaves, scene changes.
It is a Sith training session held in a gym. There are about two dozen attendees, some aliens, most human. The door opens and you see Jinn cautiously enter, she joins the group. Presently Plagueis and two other Sith enter, the other two are human, one is a serious looking woman, the other a jovial looking heavy set man with a slight smile ever present on his lips. They all wear the robes of Jedi and carry light sabers on their belts.
Plagueis: Welcome, students. There is at least one new comer today, so I will give the usual talk. Welcome, again, this, is a place where we put aside everything which we carry with us in the outside world, rank, wealth, status, history. This is a place of purity, of the force. Those who are before us now are here because the force has chosen us. We are the Sith!
The students stand resolute, Jinn is captivated.
Plagueis: Now, as Sith, there are three parts to your training, the first, is physics, that's what we will emphasis today, the second is philosophical, and the third, we will call spiritual for the sake of this training. It is more ambiguous and more to do with apprehending the true nature of things. Now, we begin! First we bow in, then light saber katas.
The group kneels, Jinn follows suit, then leans forward and bows to Plagueis who mirrors the gesture back at them, then they stand and spread out through the space. Jinn is unsure what to do, holding her light saber in her hand, she looks at other students for her cue. Plagueis approaches her.
Plagueis: Thank you for coming! I sensed something special from you when we met before, but i know you didn't want your parents to know.
Jinn stares at him speechless.
Plagueis: You are ready, more ready for this training than any student i have yet encountered. You were well raised and well educated Jinn Organo, and I have judged you worthy of teaching everything I know.
Again she is speechless, only nodding.
Plagueis: Very good, first, we are doing purely physical training, you have used a light saber before, but not in real combat, am i right?
She nods.
Plagueis: Good, now observe your fellow students.
Jinn looks at what the others are doing. They stand with arms at their sides, saber at their belts, then, suddenly without warning, they move in graceful fashion, drawing and igniting the saber.
Plagueis: this is not traditionally how we begin training a new recruit, but based on what i sense of your heart and how little time we do have, I want you to try this.
Jinn nods.
Jinn: Ok... show me what to do.
Plagueis: Stand relaxed, hands at your side, as if you expected no attack.
She does so, standing naturally.
Plagueis: Now, reach carefully with your right hand, draw your saber and then move it into position while stepping forward with your right foot, then ignite the saber at the exact moment your weight shifts.
She attempts it, coming close but moving in an almost robotic.
Jinn: That wasn't it!
Plagueis: That was incredible for a first try! Keep going!
Scene cuts to a montage of Jinn drawing and igniting her saber, with each try she grows more confident and adept. You see Plagueis at the head of the class.
Plagueis: Alright everyone, now we are moving to meditation.
Scene cuts to the students sitting on pillows, meditating, then the class is letting out. You see Jinn walking, then Plagueis is next to her.
Plagueis: You did well today. Very impressive.
Jinn: Thank you.
Plagueis: If you wish, because you have so little time, and because the force wills it, I would give you private training and lecture, because I have deemed you worthy to inherit the Sith teachings.
Jinn stares at him.
Jinn: I..I would like that, very much!
Plagueis: Good! (bowing his head) I sense we may have very little time before the will of the force is upon us, we must use it well. Tomorrow morning I will meet you here for your first private lesson.
Jinn: Thank you! Ok, ill be here, thank you so much! (She bows)
Plagueis: (Bowing Back) Thank you, young Organo. May the force be with you.
Scene cuts, it is back in Rey and Ben's quarters, Poe, Finn and Mathew are there, they are eating dinner.
Rey: We spent some time talking to Master Plagueis, he visited us here yesterday, you wouldn't believe some of the things he was saying.
Poe: Well he has lived 10,000 years, i'm sure has some crazy stories to tell. I bet hes been to some crazy parties! (He nudges Finn in the ribs with his elbow who looks perturbed.)
Jinn: Mom, dad, I went to Sith training this morning.
They all stop and look at her.
Rey: Well, that's great! How did it go?
Jinn: Really well! Master Plagueis invited me to a private training tomorrow morning, is that ok?
Rey: Ya, it is! If you want to of course.
Jinn: Yes! I do, i'm so excited about it! The first thing we did was drawing and igniting our light sabers, it was so cool, then we did Jedi meditation!
Poe and Rey exchange a bemused but genuine glance.
Rey: That's so amazing! I'm really proud of you! Of course you can train anytime you want!
Jinn: Thanks mom!
Rey smiles and they eat in silence for a few moments. Scene cuts, it is the next morning, the gymnasium from the previous day, but it is empty, then Plagueis is seen sitting off to the side. Presently Jinn enters.
Jinn: Hello?
Plagueis: I am over here.
Jinn: Oh, hi! I didn't see you there!
Plagueis: That is my own doing, I still prefer solitude, even after all this time.
Jinn: I can understand that.
Plagueis: (Looking at her) I believe you do...
Jinn: So...what kind of training are we doing?
Plagueis: Whatever kind you want...or, might I suggest, find most valuable.
Jinn: Wow, ok, well, I...feel like I still don't understand some basic things about Sith philosophy...for instance, how are Sith different from Jedi, from what I can tell you dress the same, fight with the same weapons and are only different because your from different empires. So whats the real difference?
Plagueis: Good question, there are fundamental differences between our philosophies, where as the Jedi teach what has become a sort of physical way of transcending the material and tapping into the power of the force, we Sith teach a more philosophical approach, hoping to more closely mirror our teachings to the true way of the force, even if we lose some measure of practical value as far as pure application is concerned. In many ways that is why we compensate by structuring our curriculum around the most direct effective techniques, because the Sith way is to put the maximum value in philosophy and pure untainted experiential understanding. That is, in a short explanation, how they differ.
Jinn is silent.
Jinn: Ok, i get it, so what are these teachings that you say transcend the simple Jedi way of application?
Plagueis: Well, I think you are familiar with a few of the basic tenants, as the philosophy your great benefactor Mara Jade taught Luke Skywalker was not far removed from many Sith teachings.
Jinn: Was it really?
Plagueis: Yes. She is well known even in Sith circles. Her teaching have spread far and wide. You know she studied many of the old ways of using the force, including the Sith? That's why many of the things you think of as Jedi teachings because Luke and Mara taught them, are actually descended from the Sith.
Jinn: Wow. Like what?
Plagueis: Well, we emphasize the release of control, for one, both as a means for accessing the force and for maintaining a level of ego removal. This proves in my experience to be one of the best tools for managing the personal wants that sabotage mastery of the force.
Jinn: I see. You mean the dark side? I haven't heard you mention that at all? What do the Sith believe about the dark side?
Plagueis: We believe the dark side is when one allows the personal wants of the lower self to overcome the higher reason or intuition of the self. As simply as that, there is no higher philosophy or motivation ascribed to the dark side in Sith philosophy, we do not honor it as such.
Jinn: Wow.
Plagueis: It is not truly an opposite, more a pale reflection of the light.
They sit in silence for a few moments.
Jinn: So, I guess I want to know more light saber techniques, I feel badly unprepared.
Plagueis: Don't, you did very well, exceptional in fact for a new student. I would guess you well prepared for a real confrontation.
Jinn: You really think so?
Plagueis: I sense in you great courage.
Jinn: (Bemused) Oh?
Plagueis: Yes, genuinely.
Jinn: Ok, well, lets do this then!
Scene cuts to a montage of Jinn drawing and igniting her light saber, then doing cuts and different techniques. Finally, again they are meditating.
Plagueis: Good, good, we are finished here.
Jinn: I can't thank you enough, this has been the best training session of my life!
Plagueis: Thank you young Organo, as I said before, your presence honors me.
They bow to each other and Jinn leaves.
Scene cuts, you see Jinn in the gymnasium alone, she is drawing and retracting her saber with incredible confidence. Plagueis enters.
Plagueis: Very good. That is incredibly proficient, you have been training for one week and your level of skill is profound.
Jinn: Thank you, I've been training every chance I've had!
Plagueis: It definitely shows. As you know, we will be preparing our attack on the Republic in the next few days and I will no longer be able to train you. I want you to know I sincerely regret how short our time together has been. It is because of this i want to offer you an opportunity, this will not be easy or fun, but i can assure you it will be of benefit. Do you accept?
Jinn: Well..Yes!
Plagueis: Good. We depart in one hour, meet me in shuttle bay three. Don't be late, bring your gear, light saber everything you think you might need. Also ask your parents for permission. Just tell them its a training mission.
Jinn: Ok! They said I could train with you whenever I want!
Plagueis: Good! Still, ask them!
Jinn: Ok!
Scene change, Jinn is early in the hanger, bouncing with anticipation, she is fully geared up, a short grey cloak with grey tight fitting tactical uniform and utility belt, her light saber hanging casually at her side. Plagueis enters.
Plagueis: Good, your ready, we take my personal transport.
A large ship at the far side of the hanger opens its hatch and extends a ramp, they walk over to it and board the ship, scene cuts to the ship lifting off and flying out of the hanger.
Scene cuts to orbit over a blue green planet, presently a small ship jumps into orbit, it descends towards the planet's surface. Scene cuts to a desert area, the ship lands and a ramp extends to the ground. Jinn and Plagueis emerge from a door in the ship and head to the surface, moving off across the desert toward a range of mountains.
Scene cuts to Jinn and Plagueis now reaching the base of the mountains, they pass massive stone ruins, pillars and blocks flank the pathway as they are now in a valley between mountains. Ahead there is a massive passageway cut into the stone, the doorway dark as night. The two stop.
Plagueis: This place is strong with the dark side. You must go in.
Jinn turns to him.
Jinn: Whats inside?
Plagueis: Only what you bring with you.
Jinn pauses for a moment and then unstraps the weapons belt, preparing to discard it.
Plagueis: Your weapons, you will need them.
Jinn stops and then straps the belt back on before turning and entering the door way, Plagueis sits nearby.
Scene follows Jinn as she moves through the cave, illuminating a small light she sees it is a massive passage opening out onto what appears to be a lost underground city. She moves about down a few passageways, until finally reaching a large room with a high ceiling. She enters the room and moves toward its center.
Suddenly figures step out of the shadows, hundreds of them, they wear hoods and enclose a massive circle around Jinn. She turns, observing the full circle of Jedi around her, they are her ancestors. Before her, the group parts, a large figure steps forward, it is Jinn's Great Grandfather, Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader, his eerie mask with bugged out eyes and flared helmet, breath rasping in the darkness, he ignites a red light saber.
Jinn draws her own light saber, once Mara Jades, now her own. Igniting its Purple white blade, she raises to a middle position. Vader advances on her, she stands resolute, the Jedi observe.
Vader swings his blade over head and brings it down with crushing strength upon Jinn who blocks but is pushed back, Vader swings again from the side and once again Jinn absorbs the blow but barely, another swing and Jinn stumbles back and falls, her saber still ignited in her hand.
Vader leaps forward, quickly Jinn jumps back barely dodging him, he attacks relentlessly, pushing her back again and again, finally she falls again, Vader advances, you can see the fear in Jinn's eyes, she turns and runs.
The Jedi close the circle but with a ferocious and desperate cry she slashes at them with her saber and they step aside, she flees down a dark passage.
Scene cuts and you see Jinn walking in the dark, pointing her light here and there, saber now turned off. Suddenly a Red blade ignites in the darkness and you hear Darth Vader breathing.
Jinn ignites her own saber but again she flees, running as hard as she can, not looking back, lit saber held in her hand. Finally she stops, she moves through tunnels and doorways, passing through a chamber, seeking desperately for the exit. Suddenly Vader looms from the shadows, his blade swinging from no where, his breath sharp with exertion.
Jinn barely raises her blade in time, she is pushed down again. Vader attacks relentlessly, Jinn is pushed out of the room and into an anti chamber, finally out onto a stone bridge with a black chasm to both its sides. Desperately she struggles to ward off the furious attacks, she is pushed back onto the precarious bridge.
Vader: Great-granddaughter
Jinn: (Brandishing Saber) Stay away from me! Your not real!
Vader: (Stepping forward) Oh, i assure you, i'm very real
Jinn: What do you want from me! Your evil! I'll never join you!
Vader: No, wait, I've been testing you.
He removes his helmet. Jinn gasps, underneath is a bold faced youth, with all the vigor of life and love.
Vader: This is who I truly am. I lost everything to the dark side Jinn Organo, the woman I loved, the country I protected, the friends I cherished. I perused vengeance and power over love. This is the lesson I teach you now. No matter what happens, you must remember who you love, and who loves you. Otherwise, you could become what i became. Do not forget.
Vader steps back into the shadows and is gone, leaving Jinn standing alone in the ruins.
Scene changes, it is the opening of the ruins, Jinn emerges, she is covered in dirt and looks bedraggled and exhausted. She turns to Plagueis who still sits in repose.
Jinn: Was it real?
Plagueis: What is real?
Jinn: I guess I don't know anymore.
Plagueis: Your taking your first steps into a larger world.
Jinn: What does it mean?
Plagueis: That is for you to discover.
She nods silently. Scene changes.
Wide shot of the Sith fleet, then cut to the massive council chamber in the capital ship. The Sith and their allies are once again assembling. You see Rey, Ben, Jinn, Alexander, Poe, Finn, Mathew and the others enter the chamber and find seats, a large group is again milling about the main raised platform, Plagueis can be seen among them. Presently once again he steps forward.
Plagueis: Welcome, my friends, to the final war council before we attack the Republic!
There are massive cheers, people are completely beside themselves.
Plagueis: We have a few details yet to work out, but the main parts of the plan are set in place and we each know our piece. So let us use this last time period to let any make comment or question that we might feel in the peace before the great battle.
There is silence, then a few begin making their way to the front of the stage. The first to reach the platform is a young man in a republic navy uniform, the insignia stripped off.
Rebel: Hi everyone, It's an honor to be here, I've come with my whole unit, we joined the Republic Navy because we believed it was an opportunity to be part of something bigger. But when we got there, we realized we were helping an authoritarian government repress and attack our own people! We couldn't be part of it anymore, and when the Sith called out to anyone who loved liberty and wanted to fight for their own freedom and the freedom of our families, well, we responded. And now that we're here, and we've seen the fleet, we are ready to put everything on the line for the battle to come! So lets get this on! To victory!
He throws up his fist and the crowd cheers. Stepping aside anther person steps forward, a young woman in Jedi garb.
Jedi: I'm here with Endalian group! (A large group of Jedi in white and blue garb cheer wildly) And we are here to declare that, we no longer serve the Republic, and we no longer do its bidding! (Wild cheers) Once, we were the foot soldiers and executioners of the Senate and the Jedi council. (Boos) Now, we fight for freedom! And for the new rebellion! (Cheers!) Long live the rebellion! To battle! ( Massive cheering)
She steps back, next is a roguish looking Maulist, complete with tattoos and tactical armor.
Maulist: Greetings, revolutionaries. My name is Tantev, I grew up, with my comrades in the asteroid field, living in the depths of space, pursued always by the Republic and their allies. I was orphaned with my younger brother at the age of ten, the Maulists took us both in and showed us the warriors life living in space. Now, after decades of resisting the empire alone, we have come to believe in the Sith and their cause as our cause, and so are ready to lay our lives on the line in battle with all of you as our allies! May we drown together in the blood of our enemies!
He throws up his hands and gives out a mighty battle roar into the microphone, all the Maulists in the crowd throw there hands up and roar in return, then, with a moments pause, the crowd goes wild, some clapping or cheering, others trying to echo the Maulist roar. The Maulist steps down, another person steps up but scene cuts, again Plagueis steps forward.
Plagueis: Now that we have heard the words of our fellow comrades, I wish to present to you the plan, in as full as can possibly be described. For tomorrow, things will be set in motion which cannot be undone. So, as we have before said, our three objectives are to capture the Senate, capture the Republic Navy Command Center and Destroy the Republic Fleet. Now, we must prepare for the inevitable challenge, for the Senate lies protected by a powerful energy shield on the Republic capital world of Coruscant. In order to land our troops and capture the Senate, we must deactivate the energy shield. This can only be done by infiltrating Coruscant and destroying the shield generator.
There is a murmur, but no on interrupts.
Plagueis: The shield generator is located on a nearby moon and projected remotely onto the planet. Our spies have obtained exact shuttle departure times and locations, tomorrow, our commando team will sneak onto Coruscant and board a shuttle craft, riding in the cargo bay to the moon where they will destroy the shield generator with explosives. The rebel fleet will stand by until the agreed time when they will arrive at Coruscant and commence attack upon the defenses, the troop ships will land in sector five and split into two groups, Red and Blue, Red group will take the Senate and Blue group will capture the Republic Navy Command Center. We hope there can be as few casualties as possible, but there are thousands of storm troopers between us and our goal. We will do what we can to minimize loss of life. Now, we have assigned each attack group Red, Blue or Black, Black group stays in orbit and will destroy Coruscants orbital defenses. Blue group captures Naval Headquarters, Red group captures the Senate.
Everyone looks at tablets where they have been wirelessly sent instructions, each assigned Red, Black or Blue group. Rey's tablet pings, showing that their destroyer has been assigned to Black group. In addition she receives a special message: The special message reads: "Meet me here later for a special mission, bring Ben and no one else."
Scene changes, Ben and Rey stand alone in the massive chambers, looking bored but a little nervous. Presently Plagueis enters.
Plagueis: Sorry to keep you waiting, I was waylaid with some business, now, I have something of utmost importance to ask of you. This is only because I am convinced you are Jedi of the highest level of skill. I have been training your daughter as I believe you know, she is one of the most skilled pupils I have had the privilege to work with. It is with all these things being said I must humbly ask of you the ultimate sacrifice.
Ben and Rey look at each other, unsure.
Rey: Um..ok..could you be a little more specific.
Plagueis: As you know I said there was a special team going to the moon of Coruscant to destroy the shield generator.
Rey closes her eyes.
Rey: Ok. We will do it.
Ben looks at her questioningly.
Plagueis: (With a bemused look) Very well, Young Master Solo, what your wife has ascertained is that there is indeed no commando team, it is the two of you I intend to ask, accompanying myself of course.
Rey opens her eyes in surprise.
Rey: You! Now that I did not anticipate!
Plagueis: You think after everything I would leave the two of you alone when trying to accomplish the most important and dangerous part of this mission? No, I will be with you until the end, in the eye of the storm, succeed or fail.
Rey: Wow, I mean, what do you think? (Looking at Ben)
Ben: I, I mean, were here aren't we? This is the will of the force, I trust you and love you so much I would follow you to the ends of the Galaxy. So I'm here with you forever and always.
Rey: (Turning to Plagueis) We'll do it.
Plagueis: Ok, then it's the three of us together, it's all on us, we need to succeed or everyone else fails.
They look at each other and nod.
Scene changes. In orbit around a desert planet, several destroyers are in orbit. Scene cuts to the bridge of one destroyer, Jaina stands on the bridge alone, pacing, obviously in distress.
Jaina: Whats taking so long?
Operator: Ma'am, there's no signal.
Jaina: Nothing?
Operator: Nothing.
Jaina: (To herself) Dammit, what the hell is going on.
Operator: Ma'am! Receiving signal.
Jaina: What is it!
Operator: It seems...the other fleet has been attacked, all destroyers lost...including the Revenant.
Jaina: (grabbing a hand hold for support) The Duchess...
Operator: (Turning) I'm sorry Ma'am, shes gone.
Jaina: (Bowing her head) So am I...
Scene change, it is another star system, though most planets are far away, a few destroyers are scattered about, scene cuts to the bridge of a destroyer, Jacen stand looking into the view screen.
Operator: commander, we have just received a transmission.
Jacen: Yes?
Operators: The banking guild have moved against your estate on Coruscant, your accounts have been seized and all your property confiscated.
Jacen: (Turning abruptly) What? On who's authority?
Operator: The Republic Senate has issued emergency powers to the chancellor to end the war.
Jacen: Damn! This all the Jedi Council's doing...
Operator: Another message...marked urgent...Count Dooku and his associates have been arrested by the Republic on charges of high treason!
Jacen reels in shock, gripping the arm rails on the deck of the destroyer.
Jacen: Damn....Captain! Set course for the last know location of the second Royalist fleet.
Operator: Yes Sir!
Jacen: This
Scene changes, back to the barren planet Jaina's fleet is orbiting. Suddenly half a dozen destroyers jump into orbit. Scene cuts to bridge of a destroyer, Jaina stands looking out over the view screen, she is watching the newly arrived destroyers in dismay.
Operator: Ma'am?!
Jaina: I see it, I see it! All ships prepare for battle! Launch fighter wings, shields up! Evasive maneuvers!
Scene cuts to orbit, the fleets engage each other in a brutal even pitched battle, fighter wings swarm in mutual annihilation, two destroyers explode in torrents of fire, then two more, there are three ships left on each side maneuvering for advantage.
Scene cuts to the bridge of Jacen's destroyer.
Jacen: Converge on mark five, fire all guns on that target!
Scene cuts to a shot of three destroyers converging on one and blasting it apart.
Scene cuts to bridge of Jaina's destroyer.
Jaina: Damn, move faster, fire fire fire!
Scene cuts to the three destroyers moving away from the destruction, Jaina's two remaining destroyers suddenly converge and pelt one of Jacen's with fire, tearing it apart. The remaining two turn and converge on one of Jaina's as it moves away, catching it with a barrage of fire and destroying it in turn. Scene cuts to Jaina's destroyer.
Operator: Were on our own.
Jaina: I know...keep it together, alright, heading mark, one five, seven!
Operator: Yes Ma'am.
Scene cuts to space, Jaina's ships turns and is tailing one of Jacens ships it begins firing and mirrors the enemy as they try to come around. Cut to inside Jaina's ship.
Operator: The second destroyer is coming around. They will be in firing range in ten seconds.
Jaina: i see it. We got this.
Scene cuts back into space. The pursuing destroyer fires and Jacens destroyer explodes in a blast of fire. Without a moment to wait, Jacen's command ship is on Jaina's, they are the last two ships, Jacen's ship pelts Jaina's with fire, it is disabled. Jacen's moves to board. Scene cuts to bridge of Jaina's ship.
Operator: They are moving to board! Engines off line!
Jaina: Fire maneuvering thrusters! Ram that ship!
Operator: Yes Ma'am!
Scene cuts to space where you see Jacen's Destroyer descending to board the other damaged destroyer, suddenly, small thrusters fire across the damaged destroyers surface, it picks up speed and spins at an awkward angle, smashing into the other destroyer and sending it careening off in a death spiral. Scene cuts to Jacen's bridge.
Operator: Sir! Were going down!
Jacen: Damn! Prepare for impact!
The planet looms large and larger in the view screen. Scene cuts to external view as the two destroyers spin toward mutual obliteration on the planets surface.
Scene cuts, it is in orbit around Coruscant. Presently you see a republic transport ship jump in from hyperspace. Scene cuts to the bridge of the transport. Rey, Ben and Plagueis sit watching the surface of Coruscant rise toward them.
Rey: These stolen codes had better work or this will all be for nothing.
Ben: It'll work!
Radio: Transport ship, Ship Id and security code please.
Plagueis: (Pressing the comm) Ship Id is Alpha 274 Theta 75, transmitting security code now.
He flips a switch and they sit back.
They wait with baited breath. Nothing happens.
Ben: It's not working.
Rey: It's going to work, be patient!
Radio: Alpha 274, you are cleared for landing, commencing lowering of the energy shield.
Plagueis: Thank you.
Rey: See!
Ben: You were right!
Plagueis: Now, comes the real challenge...
Scene cuts to orbit and you see the small ship descending rapidly toward the busy surface of Coruscant. Scene cuts to landing platform where Ben, Rey and Plagueis are disembarking.
Plagueis: This area doesn't have a lot of cameras, but we will need to work our way toward the central district where we will sneak on board a transport headed to the shield moon. There will be a lot of cameras and security so keep your faces covered. Follow me, we have roughly 6 hours before the fleet arrives.
They wrap clothes over their faces and pull hoods tightly over their heads. Dressed in casual Coruscant style they blend in relatively well.
Scene cuts and you see the three making their way down a busy street and finally turn down toward a less crowded area, eventually you see a military looking building ahead guarded by several storm troopers. They duck into an alley way.
Plagueis: Ok, this is it, now we need to get around back and there is a service hatch I can open, we cannot be seen going in so we will have to hack into the security system and cover our images on the video feed.
Rey and Ben look at each other with blank expressions. Plagueis reaches into his satchel and pulls out a small round metal object.
Plagueis: Have you seen one of these before?
They both shake their heads no.
Plagueis: It's called a Data Spider, its basically a mobile hacking and data storage unit.
He flicks a panel on the object and red lights flash on, then legs fold out from every side and it articulates dynamic arms from its center, a small set of cameras can be seen looking out.
Spider: Hello, I am data spider Xt-51, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Rey: (Laughing slightly at the robots cordial and pleasant tone) Rey, pleasure to meet you.
Plagueis: Spider, we need you to hack into the mainframe of the military supply depo and fudge the security tapes so that no images of us appear. Can you do that.
Spider: That is certainly well within my capability sir.
Plagueis: Good, then make it happen!
Plagueis sets the spider onto the ground and it skitters away with surprising speed and agility. A few moments pass, then you hear Spider's voice through Plagueis's comm link.
Spider: I've tapped into the mainframe, network should be compromised in moments.
Plagueis: Good. (Gesturing to Rey and Ben) Come on, we can take this alley and then end up around back of the compound.
They hurry off and scene cuts to them sneaking up to the back of the building, they glance nervously at the large cameras but walk up to the service hatch. Plagueis pulls a key pad device with wires out of his bag, he attaches it to the door and pushes a few keys, the door lock slides open. The three of them hurry inside and the door closes behind them.
Scene cuts to inside a hanger with Republic transports, the three can be seen sneaking up to one ship and Plagueis puts his key pad on the Cargo hatch. The door pops open and the three sneak in, hiding behind cargo containers. Plagueis presses a button and you see Spider skitter into the hatchway and collapse back into a ball at Plagueis's feet, he picks it up and puts it back into his pack.
Plagueis: Twenty minutes to take off.
Scene cuts, you see troopers boarding the transport, then it powers up and takes off, a massive hatchway opens and the ship flys off into the sky of Coruscant, heading for orbit.
Scene cuts to the moon, it is barren, you see a drab grey military compound with a massive emitter aray on its roof. Presently the transport ship is seen flying into a hanger on the building. Scene cuts to inside the hanger where storm troopers are disembarking. After a few moments the cargo hatch pops open and Rey, Ben and Plagueis stealthily slip away, moving down a side corridor.
They are walking down the corridor cautiously, they stop at a computer terminal and Plagueis pulls out Spider and activates it, the droid taps into the terminal.
Plagueis: Where is the armory?
Spider: Three levels above you, area D-7.
Plagueis: Alright, we need to get there as soon as possible and secure disguises.
They look at each other and move off. Scene cuts, you see troopers moving around the base, then when the coast is clear, the three move stealthily by, fortunately the compound is large and only sparsely staffed. Scene cuts to Rey, Ben and Plagueis reaching the armory, they open lockers and pull out Storm trooper armor which they strap on, then pulling on helmets.
Rey: (Holding a blaster) Alright, there's ammo!
They move out now dressed in full trooper armor.
Plagueis: Alright Spider, now we need to get to the data room.
Spider: Level 4, Section C
Plagueis nods.
Plagueis: Lets go.
Scene cuts to the three boarding an elevator, they pass by the other Republic troopers and engineers without being detected, finally they enter a room with computer and displays along all the walls. They pull off their helmets and Plagueis pulls out Spider and plugs the droid into a large terminal.
Plagueis: Alright, now that were into the mainframe, can you bring up the location of the power generator?
Spider: Processing....shield generator located. Level B12, section D.
Plagueis looks at Ben and Rey.
Plagueis: This is it, once we start setting the charges we will have to fight off anyone who sees us. Just try and stay together and we will make it out of here.
Ben and Rey nod, they look ready.
Spider: Sir, if i might, it appears there is a redundant data base stored on the mainframe, it appears to be encrypted with the highest level of security.
Rey: Can you breach it?
Spider: I can try, but it might be risky.
Ben: We don't even know for sure what it is.
Plagueis: If my knowledge of Republic operations is correct, and I have every reason to believe it is, then it is the Republic Navy's deployments and personnel records.
They all stare at him dumbfounded.
Rey: My god, if we stole that...we could turn the war around! We could out every Republic agent! Learn about every secret deployment and mission! Know the armament and weakness of every warship!
Plagueis: Indeed, but Spider did say it might be risky, so lets put it to a vote.
Rey: I'm voting yes, it's worth the risk. If we get caught then we fight our way through them!
Ben looks at her and nods.
Ben: I'm with you.
Plagueis: Then it is decided. Spider, download the data base...carefully!
Spider: Right away!
They sit for a moment watching as the red lights on Spider's body flash and swirl at a fast pace as it downloads the database. Suddenly Spider beeps a shrill alarm.
Spider: I'm afraid all systems have been alerted to your presence!
Rey: Oh dammit! Do you have it?
Spider: Data base ninety percent downloaded.
Plagueis: Almost...there...
Spider: Download complete!
Plagueis grabs spider and they run out of the room and put their helmets on, a large group of troopers come around the corner and see them standing in the doorway of the Data room.
Trooper: It's them! Blast them!
They dive for cover and draw blasters as a hail of fire careens at them, with a yell Plagueis charges at the troopers and fires his blaster, hitting one in the chest. Apparently spooked, the others turn and run, Plagueis hot on there heels. Ben and Rey exchange perplexed looks, then go after him, suddenly Plagueis is running back the way he came.
Plagueis: Not that way, come on!
They follow him as the takes another hallway, they exchange blaster fire with Storm troopers in close pursuit, suddenly there are troopers ahead, they are pinned down in an intense fire fight.
Rey: We're running out of time! The fleet could be here at any moment! We have to get that shield down!
They keep firing, scene changes to Orbit, Suddenly The Sith fleet arrives, First one massive capital ship, then a swarm of destroyers, then another Capital ship and another, finally they have all arrived. You see the Commandeered Destroyer stolen by Rey and Finn followed by other Union ships. Scene cuts to the bridge of the Destroyer. You see Poe, Finn, Mathew and Jinn all standing on the bridge with some other rebels and Union members. They look out over the fleet in orbit above Coruscant.
Rebel: The fleet has all arrived, scans are showing... the shield is still up!
Finn: That can't be...Take evasive maneuvers!
Rebel: The enemy fleet is massing, orbital defenses powering up, fighter wings and bomber wings are approaching from ground! Here they come!
Scene cuts to orbit, Sith destroyers turn and launch fighter wings as an onslaught of X-wings and Y-wings swarm over them, larger cruisers start to enter the battle and there is absolute chaos as the massive fleet starts to orbit the planet. Suddenly a dozen Republic Destroyers jump into orbit. They move to engage one of the capital ships, other destroyers turn and attempt to deflect the attack. Another group of Republic Destroyers jumps into orbit and moves in for the attack, orbital weapons platforms can be seen firing on Rebel ships.
Scene cuts back to the Destroyers bridge. Poe, Finn and other watch the battle unfold with awe.
Rebel: Fighter wing coming in at .06
Operator: Starboard shields are at 25%
Finn: Evasive maneuvers! Hard planet side!
The ship lurches as they turn to avoid further damage.
Finn: Come on Rey, you've got to get that shield down!
Scene cuts to the Shield Moon, Rey, Ben and Plagueis fight there way through the corridors, felling trooper after trooper, they are making progress finally, they take an elevator and reach a lower platform devoid of storm troopers.
Rey, Ben and Plagueis come around a corner into a large open chamber, there, standing on the far side, in front of the shield generator room, is Master Zephyr, flanked by two Delta Jedi. They all wear matching black robes with hoods.
The three stop, Rey steps forward, the other two flanking her, they move toward the Delta Jedi, pulling their cloaks off, the three Delta Jedi follow suit, disgaurding black cloaks, revealing tight fitting black combat uniforms. The each draw light sabers, Two Red with Zephyr's Orange glowing in the middle. Rey and Ben draw their twin blue sabers, Plagueis pulls a double sided blade from his robes and ignites duel yellow blades. They stand facing off.
As one Rey, Ben and Plagueis move forward, their footfalls quick, soft and efficient, they move in on the three Republic Jedi with speed, Plagueis moves to the left, engaging one of the flanking Delta Jedi, Ben move to the right, taking the other flank, Rey drives strait at Zephyr and attacks him aggressively with the point of her saber. He is fast as a cat parrying and copying her attacks, they duel viciously for the centerline, finally Zephyr pushes Rey back, Plagueis diverts his attack and moves toward Zephyr, giving Rey time to recover, meanwhile Ben is pushing back the third Delta, Plagueis starts fighting two on one, Rey rushes forward and opens the blast doors, revealing a massive room with long ramps, dropoffs down into the power core on either side. It is a like a maze of platforms and ramps, mostly open space as far down as one can see to the glowing blue white core. The fight moves into the reactor room. On the far side can be seen a set of force field walls leading to a corridor.
They fight viciously, the Delta Jedi is giving Ben trouble, he is pushed off the ramp, but lands on another bellow, the Delti Jedi leaps down and they continue fighting bellow, meanwhile Plagueis and Rey duel Zephyr and the other Jedi together, finally Ben returns to the main fight, the other Delta tagging behind, he flanks the three of them, Ben and Rey turn and attack him together while Plagueis fights Zephyr and the other Delta alone, they move toward the shield walls. Suddenly the shields open one by one, the red glow disappearing as the mechanisms slide shut. Plagueis darts past Zephyr and the other Jedi, dashing down the hall, seeing Plaguies going for the generator controls, all three of the Republic Jedi run after him, Rey and Ben stand startled for a moment then move to pursue.
The Shield doors close just as the three Republic Jedi reach the far side, they all attack Plagueis together, Rey and Ben stand trapped behind the shield, watching with tension as the four figures duel. Plagueis takes a hand off one Delta and then cuts him clean in half, he goes down. Spinning in a serious of elaborate maneuvers Plagueis's blade misses Zephyr by a half inch, spinning he takes a leg off the other Delta and then neatly beheads him. Zephyr stands alone facing Plagueis. They duel, Zephyr holds his own, he cuts Plagueis blade in two, one side goes out, he continues fighting, now losing ground.
Ben Paces silently, watching without speaking, Rey is stands silently watching, her face tense. Plaguies fights with intense skill, Zephyr is getting the best of him, then without warning, Plagueis is cut in two, and falls dead.
Rey inhales sharply and puts her hand over her mouth, still for a moment, Ben stops still, they reach instinctively and hold hands, Zephyr paces back and forth, eyeing the two of them with an evil grin. They stand ready, eyeing the menacing Zephyr through the shield, Rey is all nerves, she bounces on her heals like a boxer preparing for a match.
The shield door goes down, Rey and Ben draw saber and they attack Zephyr, whirling blades spin in a confusion, two blue and one orange, they fight ferociously, backing Zephyr more and more down the corridor, Rey is hit in the arm, she stumbles back with a cry of pain, Ben moves forward and attacks, keeping Zephyr back from her as she regains her footing, suddenly Ben is cut down, taken from shoulder to hip, he vanishes, leaving his clothing to fall empty onto the floor.
Rey cries out in horror and loss, she stands stunned for a moment, tears welling up, then with fury she lunges at Zephyr, he all but glows with victory, swinging his saber he deflects her blows easily, they duel with ferocious energy, Rey attacks with rage again and again, she is wounded again and again, barely dodging death each time but not giving up, Zephyr begins to back up, his eyes show surprise and fear, Rey only grows stronger, finally she thrusts the point of her saber at Zephyr's head, he throws up his hand and stops it inches from his face, holding her saber back for a moment before he slashes his own forward and cuts hers in two, not waiting Rey turns and grasps her open hand in the air, using the force she pulls a steam pipe from the wall, a torrent of hot gas engulfs Zephyr, he screams in agony, trying to step back, but Rey throws out her other hand and holds him in place under the hot steam, screaming with anger, she reaches her other hand out and pulls Zephyrs light saber, still lit from his hand, grasping it she swings for his head, he throws out his hand and the orange blade stops half a foot from his shoulder, hanging there as Rey struggles to push forward. She turns the energy from her attack and instead cuts Zephyr's arm off at the elbow, he screams in pain but throws out his other hand at Rey and pushes her back, finally escaping the burning steam, Rey is pushed back where she falls to the ground, Zephyr's light saber still grasped in her hand. Suddenly you see Republic Storm troopers come from behind the steam, they level blasters and fire, Rey deflects the bolts and runs cutting down troopers, she reaches the control room and sets the explosives, leaving, she slices the door controls with the saber and runs down the corridor.
She boards a transport and you see the station shake with explosions as she flys the ship out the hatchway and into space.
Scene cuts to Orbit where the Republic Navy has destroyed most of the Sith fleet. Scene cuts to the commandeered Destroyers bridge.
Finn: The shield is down!
Rebel: Two out of three capital ships destroyed, eighty percent of the landing ships destroyed. We no longer have sufficient force to hold the planet.
Poe: Let alone deal with the rest of the Navy!
Finn: We have to retreat. Retreat! Prepare the jump to light speed! Send a message to all ships, we have to retreat before we lose more than we already have! (To himself) Rey, Ben...what the hell happened?
Operator: Making the calculations....
Scene cuts to outside the ship, you see a captial ship closing in, but then they jump away to lightspeed. Scene zooms out, you see some small skirmishes still underway but mostly now wreckage and Victorious Republic ships.
Scene cuts to a planet, Rey and other surviving Sith and Rebels have gathered, in the center is a funeral pyre, You see Ben's Jedi robes laying folded, Rey steps forward with a torch and sets them alite, the pyre burns brightly. Music is Qui Gon's Funeral or something similar. They all stand watching the fire, Rey, Mace, Ara and Alexander are all crying, scene sits with them for a moment then Cut to Credits, but funeral song continues through.
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