Kohmm System-Khomm was a planet in the Khomm system on the edge of the Deep Core with wide blue seas, great land masses, and an abundance of oxygen. It was the home planet to the Khommites and the Khommite striders.
Ebaq System-Ebaq is a gas giant in the Treskov system and the fifth planet of that system, orbiting Treskov 115-W. The planet has eleven moons, including Ebaq 9. Ebaq 9 is a natural satellite of the Deep Core planet Ebaq located in the Treskov system. The moon is a barren planetoid. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the Deep Core Mining Corporation was permitted to build a series of mines and refineries to process the moon's valuable bronzium deposits, as well as a small base to handle emergency resupply and transportation. When the Empire began to crumble, abandoning the Deep Core, DCMC deserted the facility.
Byss System- Planet Byss 4 in the Byss system is habitable and extremely desirable for its environment and resources. Emperor palpatine made one of his palaces on Byss during the reign of the Empire. Habitants are mostly human.
Vulpter System- The Vulpter system is a six-planet star system that is located in the Deep Core region of the galaxy, and containes the planet of Vulpter. Vulpter was the third planet of the Vulpter system in the Deep Core, and the homeworld of the sentient Vulptereen species. Originally an unspoiled world with a wide array of flora and fauna, Vulpter was transformed over the millennia into a massively polluted globe covered in waste and factories. This meant that the planet was unable to sustain itself in terms of agriculture, and was thus entirely reliant on importing foodstuffs from other worlds. Vulpter was a noted producer of starships, and was home to one of the galaxy's largest podracer factories. Several corporations, such as Viper Sensor Intelligence Systems and Arakyd Industries, operated facilities on the planet.
Ruan System- Located in the Core Worlds, the Ruan system contained one of the farming planets administered by the Salliche Ag Corporation.
Teta system- named for Empress Teta, contained the planet of Empress Teta (formerly Koros Major). It was formerly known as the Koros system, and was colonized by Coruscanti explorers on generation ships. Empress Teta was a ecumenopolis world located in the Empress Teta system, a star system in the Koros sector of the galaxy's Deep Core. Initially known as Koros or Koros Major, the planet's name was changed following Empress Teta's unification of the system in 5000 BBY. The extent to which the capital Cinnagar covered the world also caused many to refer to the world itself as Cinnagar, even in official documentation—a source of confusion at times. Empress Teta was the main hub of galactic civilization in the Deep Core and was also one of the few highly urbanized planets in the region to rival Coruscant itself in fashion and amenities.
Coruscant System-Coruscant, also known as Imperial Center during the reign of Emperor Sheev Palpatine, was a planet in the Coruscant system of the Core Worlds which served as the capital of the galaxy for over a millennium. It was a prominent world known for its cosmopolitan population and culture, the towering skyscrapers of Galactic City, and its long history as the center of political power from the time of the Galactic Republic to the age of the Galactic Empire. In addition to its political affiliations. The whole of Coruscant was the site of Galactic City, a vast ecumenopolis that covered the entire surface of the planet. Although it was the homeworld of the human species, before the Empire much of Coruscant's population consisted of various alien races from across the galaxy, however during the Emperor's rise the planet was in large part purged of aliens. The city was also the hub of galactic culture, education, fine arts, technology, and finance. It was from Coruscant where the galaxy based its universal dating system
Velusia System-The Velusia system is a star system in the galactic core that containes two habited planets, Velusia 7 and 9, the population is mostly human.
Anaxes System- Anaxes was a rocky planet located in the Core Worlds region of the galaxy. A majority of its surface was covered with red plant life. Anaxes, situated along a major Trade Route, was a member of the Galactic Republic and housed a prominent shipyard facility. Inhabitants are mostly human.
Aargau System- The Aargau system, was a ten-planet star system located in the Core Worlds region of the galaxy. It was home to the banking planet of Aargau. It also was home to the gas giants Laazrau, Zauhu, Urazuun, and Faargau. Aargau was a planet in the Aargau system of the Core Worlds region, not far from Coruscant and the Corellian Run. It was run by and served as the headquarters for the Bank of Aargau, which was part of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Numerous other banks and corporations were also based on Aargau, including the Z-Gomot Ternbuell Guppat Corporation.
Aargau was an exceptionally wealthy world, due both to its status as a financial center, as well as the planet's vast reserves of rare and precious metals.
Cirius system- The Cirius system was a star system that contained four planets, including the planet of Caamas. Caamas was a highly populated and marsh-covered Core World in the Cirius system, the second planet orbiting the star Cirius. Caamas isa temperate, hospitable world of jungles, marshes, steppes, and rolling hills. Its dense rainforests and jungles teem with life. Caamas is the homeworld of the sentient Caamasi people.
Alderaan System- Home to the Planet Alderaan, located in the Galactic Core. Alderaan was a terrestrial planet covered with mountains and heavily inhabited. Following the rise of the Galactic Empire, Alderaan played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Rebel Alliance, a movement that sought to destroy the Empire. Because of its ties with the Alliance, the planet was destroyed when Grand Moff Tarkin decided to test the Death Star in a demonstration of power.
Kuat System- The Kuat system was a star system located in the galaxy's Core Worlds region that contained the planet Kuat. Kuat was a vital shipbuilding and industrial planet located in the Kuat system of the galaxy's Core Worlds region. Known for the prestigious Kuat Drive Yards corporation and its large shipyards, the planet notably produced warships for both the Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire.
Humbarine Sector- The sector was known to hold a large number of heavily-industrialized manufacturing worlds, only rivalled by the Kuat and Corellian sector. Humbarine was an ecumenopolis located in the Core Worlds region of the galaxy. The capital of the heavily-industrialized Humbarine sector, the planet Humbarine was a promising hub of commerce and became a founding member of the Galactic Republic.
Leria Kersil System-The Leria Kerlsil system was a two-planet system that contained the planet of Leria Kerlsil. Leria Kerlsil was a planet in the Leria Kerlsil system, a well populated Core world and early republic member, its population is mostly human.
Corellian System-The Corellian system, the most important in the Corellian sector, contained five inhabited worlds collectively referred to as the Five Brothers. Corellia, Selonia, Drall, Talus, and Tralus. All planets are heavily populated and industrialized with mostly human inhabitants.
Duro System-The Duro system, or Duros system, was a system that contained the planet of Duro. Duro (also known as Duros) was the heavily polluted and depopulated homeworld of the Duros species. Located on the Corellian Trade Spine in the Core, the planet itself was mostly abandoned, mainly housing food processing plants. Most of the population lived in one of the twenty orbiting cities. Duro was also home to a large number of orbital shipyards.
Recopia System- The Recopi system, also known as the Recopia system, was a five-planet system, and home to the planet of Recopia. Recopia was a planet in the Recopi system in the Core Worlds, between the Corellian Run and the Hydian Way. Lacking valuable natural resources, Recopia was less urbanized than many other prominent worlds of the Core. It was a world of sulfuric oceans over which poisonous clouds roiled perpetually. The hostile seas were broken only by series of plateau islands that rose high into the sky.
Rendili System-The Rendili system was a star system located within the Galactic Core. It contained the world of Rendili, which was the home of Rendili StarDrive Manufacturing Corporation. Rendili was a planet in the Core Worlds and one of the Core Founders of the Galactic Republic.
Abregado-Rae System- The Abregado system was a star system located near the Bith system that contained the star Abregado. Abregado-Rae was a planet located in the galaxy's Core Worlds. It had the reputation to be a rather lawless world.
Belgaroth System- The Belgaroth system was a binary star system located within the Core Worlds region of the galaxy. It was the home system to the planet Belgaroth. Belgaroth was a planet that was located within the Core Worlds region of the galaxy, situated near the Rimma Trade Route. The planet was used by the Galactic Empire to test new weapons and combat maneuvers. Most of the planet consisted of rocky, rugged, and inhospitable mountains, with an occasional hill, plain, or valley. The bodies of water that passed for oceans were a pair of large seas of a murky mustard-brown color, a result of the heavy mineral sediment. The world had one city, Belgar, and several large scrapyards. Astrophysically, the planet orbited a binary sun. Matanya A was an orange sun while Matanya B was a smaller yellow sun. Two moons were orbiting Belgaroth, Tregan and Tyrel, the only other notable satellite was a small repair yard that could barely accommodate an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.
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