Star Wars: Episode 0: The Tragedy Of Darth Jarjar
It is a time of peace in the galaxy. Ruled
maintains order across thousands of worlds.
With no challenges on the horizon, the people
turn their attention to personal and local matters.
On the distant planet of NABOO, the royal family
struggles to keep peace between human colonists
and the native GUNGAN people who still wage
violent and non violent resistance against the occupation
of their homeworld. A young nobleman, SHEEVE
PALPETINE is just coming of age, he sets out on a
journey to try and understand the complexities of his
home planet...
Stars, pan down, a blue green world, it is Naboo. Cut to scene of the Naboo jungle, it is dense and lush, beautiful, presently you see a young man working his way through the tangled trees, he carries a staff with a brown travel cloak, his hair is cropped short and his face clean shaven. He carries a large travel pack and moves with obvious skill and experience through the swamps and jungle. He is Sheeve Palpetine.
Palpetine wanders through the swamp, moving across high ground to avoid the pitfalls, he works his way deeper into the darkness, suddenly he turns, looking about with concern.
Palpetine: Who’s There?
The music is ominous, Palpetine turns this way and that, the camera pans behind him to reveal Jarjar sitting in meditation pose ten feet up on a large tree limb, he stares down at Palpetine who’s back is still turned, his expression is fearsome, his eyes burn.
Palpetine turns, their eyes meet, His expression is of wonder, he stands frozen, unable to move, the camera zooms into Palpetines Eye.
Psychedelic vision as Palpetines mind is torn apart, first space, stars flying by, then a rend in the very fabric of the world, revealing a glowing fractal forest of geometry, sinking deep into the pattern, you see the form of Palpetine trying to emerge from the chaos, his expression is of agony, he seems to emerge from the complexity, as if fighting to remain whole, then he is torn apart in a whirling dance of patterns. Palpetines body is dissolved. Everything resolves into a reality, you see Jarjar now standing over Palpetine, his hand raised, Palpetines eyes are unfocused, he is on his knees before the towering figure of Jarjar, whose face burns with wrath and delight.
Jarjar: Arise my young apprentice, now that you have found your true master, your training can begin.
Jarjar lowers his hand and steps back, Palpetine stands automatically, still as if in a trance.
Palpetine: Where...where am I? What is this?
Jarjar: You have finally come home, where you were meant to be, destiny has drawn you to me as I foresaw long ago that it would...
Palpetine: Who are you?
Jarjar: I am master Binks of the Gungans, and you have come to me because you sense a great purpose for you life, one which you cannot fulfill without proper training and guidance.
Palpetine: Your a Jedi?
Jarjar: As are you.
Palpetine: Me? A Jedi?
Jarjar: The force is strong with you, it always has been, it has always guided you and turned you from the path your family has set, turned you away from normalcy and the dull monotony of life. You will be unleashed!
Palpetine: Unleashed? From what?
Jarjar: Everything.
Palpetine stands in silence, his brow is sweating, he shakes, Jarjar stares at him silently, they stand in trance.
Jarjar: Your training begins now.
Palpetine: What must I do?
Jarjar: Free yourself.
Palpetine: How?
Jarjar: By unleashing your will.
Palpetine: My will. I...I feel confused, how do I know what is truly my will and what is external from that?
Jarjar: You will know when you are at peace, passive. Let the force flow through you, this is your first lesson, when you have quieted the mind, then, the true voice of the force will speak to you. It will show you the true desire of your will. Now, sit and meditate upon this and return to me when you have quieted your mind.
Palpetine: Yes...master.
Jarjar smiles, for a moment his face shows a dark ecstasy, a deep pleasure taken from the complete domination and manipulation of Palpetine. Palpetine sits and takes up lotus pose, he closes his eyes and meditates, with satisfaction Jarjar walks back to his tree and climbs to sit upon the branch where he first was seen.
Scene cuts and you see Palpetine still sitting, suddenly he opens his eyes, Jarjar is no where to be found.
Palpetine: (Unsure) Master?
He looks around now in fear.
Palpetine: (Yelling) Master?
He stands and starts to walk, you see him now running, crashing through the jungle, he stumbles into mire, tripping over tree roots, now losing all sense of himself, he tears through the jungle in a panic. He is covered head to foot with swamp muck, his pack and walking stick lost, he finally he trips hard and sprawls out upon the ground, before him is the dark entrance to a cave.
Standing, as if bound by some impossible force, he moves toward the cave, his eyes wide with fear but not hesitating. Down into the darkness of the cave, he wanders about this way and that.
Suddenly there is a red flash, a lightsaber ignites into existence. He turns in shock and fear, the one holding the light saber is...himself.
With a cry of terror he turns tail and runs, the light saber wielding version of himself is full of wrath and power, he lunges after Palpetine in hot pursuit, Palpetine cries out in terror, screaming for help he stumbles through the cave in panic. The dark image of himself is right on his heels, laughing with maniacal hate.
He hits a dead end, turning, the dark image is upon him, his face is triumphant, he raises the saber to strike down Palpetine who cries out and shields his face from the image of his impending doom, the saber swings and passes right through him with no harm, the image instantly vanishes, after a few moments, Palpetine opens his eyes, Jarjar is now seen standing off to the side of the cave, his arms crossed, a bemused expression on his face.
Palpetine: Master! What happened?
Jarjar: You confronted the dark nature of your will...and came through unharmed. As you can see you have nothing to fear from unleashing your passion.
Palpetine: (Still shaking) Oh god...what...
Jarjar: Sit and meditate now, i will guide you through the process.
Palpetine sits, the convulsions finally subsiding, he closes his eyes.
Jarjar: You must ask yourself now that your will is clear, what is it that you truly want?
Palpetine: I...I don't know.
Jarjar: Then you must find out.
Palpetine: How?
Jarjar: You need only inquire of the force.
Palpetine: I...I see.
Jarjar: I will leave you hear for a time, when your meditation is complete you will find the cave exit without trouble, I will be waiting for you.
Palpetine: (Relieved) Thank you master!
He closes his eyes, Jarjar turns with satisfaction and leaves.
Scene changes to outside the cave entrance, Jarjar sits meditating, presently Palpetine emerges from the cave, he looks like hell, but there is a fierce glow now in his eyes.
Palpetine: What now master?
Jarjar: Same as before, what do you want?
Palpetine: You keep asking me that...what do I want. If your the master why should you care what I want?
Jarjar: Because, my young apprentice, that is all that matters in the course of your training!
Palpetine: All that matters?
Jarjar: Yes, all that matters is what you want in life. And what more is training than preparation for life. If you
want to train in the true arts of the force, you must master the power of knowing and..getting what you want.
Palpetine: I know.. i want to be a Jedi.
Jarjar: And what does a Jedi want?
Palpetine: I don't know....power??
Jarjar: Control. energy. Knowledge and application! but most of all...mastery of will...and desire.
Palpetine: ...desire...
Jarjar: And what do you desire my young apprentice?
Palpetine: I be a have power! to have..everything I want!
Jarjar: You speak with the power of the force, now, let it tell you the true path of the Jedi.
Palpetine: I feel... a Jedi... should have a lightsaber!
Jarjar: Then build your lightsaber... Jedi.
Scene changes, you see a small hut in the swamp, obviously Jarjars camp, there is a workshop bench where
Palpetine sits, piles of components and tools spread around him in a chaos, he is assembling a light saber,
Jarjar stands watching with obvious approval.
Finally scene cuts to Palpetine standing near the hut, he has a finished saber in his hand, igniting the beam a red/white inferno leaps into being, it sits glowing before him, his face an expression of wonder. After a few moments he retracts the blade.
Jarjar: You have constructed your first lightsaber, most impressive. What is your will now my young apprentice?
Palpetine: not sure...I guess i want to use the light saber...but I don't have anyone to fight.
Jarjar: Your enemies need not resists you.
Palpetine looks at him.
Palpetine: That would just be...butchery...whats the point?
Jarjar: Those are words in your head, how you define your actions is up to you, soon you will come to realize the only important thing is what you want.
Palpetine: I Want to use my light saber, I just, I just don’t know if i can do i.
Jarjar: You need not fear to use your power, Once you have unleashed your full potential all the doubt will be purged from your mind. Your fear is but the ghost of weakness, I sense it is nearly dead in your heart. You have only to reach out an embrace your path.
Palpetine: Your saying if I follow my urges to kill it will clear my heart of these confused feeling?
Jarjar: I am saying to you just that.
Palpetine: Very have not lead me astray...I trust your judgment.
Jarjar: You should trust your own will
Palpetine: I do.. (Resolutely) I do!
Jarjar: Good, there is a village of colonists not far from here, I will take you there, it will be the perfect test your will.
Palpetine: (Unsure) I..ok...ok!...take me there.
Jarjar turns without speaking and sets off down a path, Palpetine hooks the saber to his belt and follows.
Scene changes to a small village in a clearing, men women and children go about their day, the shelters are mostly prefabs, you see a large town hall structure in the background, it is obviously a fairly rough outpost, distant from the high civilization of Naboo. Without warning, Palpetine emerges from the Jungle, his blade ignites, giving a yell he runs forward and cuts a man in half, his face shows shock, horror and...pleasure.
The villagers scream in fear and try to run but Palpetine chases them down on by one and ruthlessly butchers them, with each kill he grows more ecstatic, laughing maniacally, taking pleasure in the horifying butchery. Finally the whole village is dead, retracting his saber he stands over the massacre and surveys its results in wonder.
Finally he walks back out into the jungle where Jarjar stands waiting.
Jarjar: Your training is nearly complete my young apprentice, now, only remains for you to confront your destiny.
Palpetine: My destiny, Master? What is that?
Jarjar: Whatever you decide it is, for the key to mastery is seizing control of ones destiny.
Palptine: (Looking amazed) I see! What must I do?
Jarjar: What do you want to do?
Palpetine: Well, I would, I would take everything for myself!
Jarjar: (Eyes closed) Yes...good, your will is fully matured, now, you must do what you feel.
Palpetine: Yes, I will, I will return to Thebe! I will move deeper into the royal family, no one will stand in my way.
Jarjar: Good, good, we will depart this very morning.
Palpetine: You will join me?
Jarjar: Yes, I have foreseen that you will need my assistance to accomplish all that you desire.
Palpetine: Thank you master!
Jarjar: Now, prepare for our journey my young apprentice.
Scene Change, Thebe palace, wide shot, music is deep and relaxed. Shot cuts to inside imperial offices of the Theben royal family. The king sits at his desk shuffling through some papers. An attendant enters.
Attendant: My king, the parade committee has requested your approval to increase their budget by... (Looking down at tablet) 10,000 republic credits.
The king sits back and sighs.
King: Will they ever be satisfied? I can't keep increasing their budget every year! Public works is requesting funds for a total overhaul of district three's sewer system, the environmental beuro wants to replace ALL the air scrubbers this year, and to top it all off the war ministers are trying to double the defense budget! What are they expecting a Gungan invasion?
Attendant: No idea my liege, should i tell the committee they need to stick with last years budget?
King: No, no, they can have their credits, but that damn parade better be good or i'll..
Attendent: I will inform the committee (bowing he leaves)
The king sighs again and returns to his papers, presently there is a buzzing at the door and the king starts, a frustrated look on his face.
King: (Pressing the comm button) What is it?
Comm: Sir, young Lord Palpetine has requested an audience
King: Sheeve? Any idea what he could possibly want?
Comm: Says its important official business.
King: (Resigned) Alright...send him in.
The door opens, Palpetine enters, he is clean and well dressed in the finest Naboo style, Jarjar walks behind him wearing a black cloak, he shadows Palpetine closely, standing only a few inches behind the young man. The king looks up, taking no notice of Jarjar.
King: Young Sheeve, its been a while! What brings you here?
Palpetine: My liege (Bowing slightly), I wished to speak to you about running for governor of the fifth district, i know the elections begin soon but i had hoped you might make an exception and allow my late entry into the race, I feel...there are so many pressing issues that need addressing, with my experience things could really start to change around here.
King: (Sighing again) My young Lord, I would be of course overjoyed if you became a governor, you have no idea how tired I am of dealing with that Oaf McDowell, hes a real thorn in my side....but...i can't just waive the regulations on election rules, this is democratic monarchy not a dictatorship! We have
Jarjar moves his hand slightly, the kings eyes go unfocused. Palpetine throws a look over his shoulder, obviously uneasy about Jarjar, but the King is completely oblivious to his presence.
King: the...what was it...I...yes! You wanted to run for governor! Of course, it would make my life so much easier not to have to deal with that Oaf McDowell! Hes a real thorn in my side. If i pull a few strings on the election committee i should be able to get you on the ballot!
Palpetine: (Surprised) Oh..good! That’s great!
King: I will contact you as soon as the details are arranged!
Palpetine: (Bowing) Thank you!
The King nods and returns to his business, Palpetine turns with Jarjar still shadowing him, the leave. Scene cuts to a corridor in the Palace, Jarjar and Palpetine now walk side by side.
Palpetine: Wow...I thought we were screwed for sure! What happened?
Jarjar: The force can have a strong influence on the weak minded.
Palpetine: The King is weak minded?
Jarjar: Yes.
Palpetine: I see...It was like he couldn't even see you!
Jarjar: Someday your power will be matured as well, when that has occurred you to will have power over all but the strongest of will.
Palpetine: Incredible! What do we do now.
Jarjar: Now we wait, the force will provide us with the opportunities we need.
Palpetine nods, they continue down the corridor. Scene changes, it is the royal chambers, you see the Queen sitting at a desk consulting a tablet. She is tall and regal, though dressed in a semi casual wear as she is in her private chamber. Presently the King enters, he seems tired.
Queen: Albert....your not looking well...
King: Yes, i feel like I’m coming down with something, just started feeling strange a few hours ago...maybe a
nice bath...some dinner..
Queen: Ill call the servant.
She taps a few buttons on the tablet and then turns back to him.
Queen: Senator Dalben will be returning tomorrow morning, this last congressional session was apparently tedious, he hasn't voted on anything this year yet.
King: (Taking off his coat) Well that’s probably for the best, i don't fancy we have anything to gain by involving ourselves in Republic business, as long as the colonists and resources keep flowing we should concentrate on local issues.
Queen: I agree..only there is some concern with about the treatment of the native population, the Senator from
Alderaan is trying to pass a motion to send inspectors to all the internment camps, even on outer rim worlds!
King: (looking concerned) Can we clean up our mess before that happens?
Queen: Shouldn't be a problem, it wont go to vote until next session, that gives us eight months to liquidate all the remaining prisoners and build more humane infrastructure in the labor camps...that should satisfy them.
King: Good...good...that’s a load of my mind. I can't seem to barely stay ahead of municipal business.
Queen: (Moving toward him, they embrace) That’s why you have me, you've always knew i was the political mastermind.
King: I wouldn't last a day without you!
Queen: (With a bemused Smile) No you wouldn't!
There is knock at the door.
Servant: Dinner has arrived my lord!
The King opens the door and a servant pushes a cart into the room. Scene changes. The streets of Thebe, speeders go this way and that. You see Palpetine and Jarjar standing on the roadside, they watch the traffic go by but stand waiting.
Palpetine: What are we doing here?
Jarjar: We await our greatest opportunity, now, witness the true power of the force!
Palpetine looks puzzled but he watches Jarjar, presently you see a royal procession come around the corner, the King and Queen are walking with a few advisers, you see the young Princess walking with them, she is in her early twenties and already a spitting image of the Queens grace and power.
Jarjar springs into action. He turn and walks over to a food vendor. He takes a handful of apples from a bin.
Jarjar: Ohh meesa lovin apples! Ooowey Booey!
Vendor: Hey you Gungan! You gonna pay for that!
Jarjar: Oh no! meesaa gonna pay! Wait wait Meesa gonna Pay!
He tries to reach into his pocket but drops the apples everywhere.
Jarjar: Oh noossa!
He chases after an apple, it is rolling across the street, right in front of the royal procession...
Jarjar: Uh oh!
A speeder bears down on him, his expression goes wide eyed and goofy, he lets out a wild cry of terror. The young princess is right beside him, without hesitating she tackles the Gungan to the ground, narrowly dodging the speeder.
Princess: Look out!
Jarjar: Oh boy, youssa saved my life!
Princess: You should be more careful!
Jarjar: Meesa so thankfull! Meesa owen you life debt!
Princess: That isn't necessary...
Jarjar: Oh but it is..It is! Weessa Gungans very serious about life debts! Meesa owen you big time!
She laughs.
Princess: All right!
Jarjar: Meesa Jarjar Binks, (Bowing) How can meesa be of service?
Princess: (Bemused) I'm not sure! How about court jester? You seem a funny type!
Jarjar: Ooey Booey! Court Jester! Meesa Loving that!
Princess: (Turning to her parents who have joined her) Mom, Dad? Can he be court jester? Please? He makes me laugh!
The King and Queen exchange a dark look.
Queen: Well...I guess i can't see the harm in it.
King: Ok...whats your name Gungan?
Jarjar: Meesa Jarjar Binks! Meesa make a big booey, theyssa saying i can no come back to Gungan City! So
Isa liven here with the Naboo! Meesa liken the Naboo!
King: (Sighing) Alright, you want to come along? We're having a big party tonight, if you can keep our guests entertained then your officially court jester!
Jarjar: Oh boy! Meesa can acting all kinds of funny!
King: (Returning to procession) Good good, then come on!
The procession continues with Jarjar tagging along, you see Palpetine still standing on the street corner, his mouth slightly agape with wonder. Scene change, it is the fancy party, the royal courtroom, there are fancy dinner guests throughout, at the head of the party is the Queen, King and princess. You see Jarjar off to one side, dressed in a ridiculous outfit.
Jarjar: Ooey Booey! Meesa be searchin all day, then, Boom! Stepping in poodo, then crash! Meesa runnin right into Princess! Almost gettin Mashered!
The party guests laugh boisterously at his antics and funny dialect. You see Palpetine sitting on the far side of the party, obviously not an important guest. Jarjar moves to the center of the room, standing near the Princess.
Jarjar: Meesa liken to juggle!
He grabs a few pieces of fruit and starts juggling them in a chaotic fashion, the guests are absolutely fixated on Jarjar.
Jarjar: Wooo,oohh woow!
He stumbles dangerously, the fruit scattering in all directions, he trips and falls right into the table, a large canteen of water spills down the front of the princesses dress.
Jarjar: Ohhh Noossa! Issa all ruined!
King: Ahhgg
Queen: Watch it!
Princess: (Standing) It's ok, its ok! Ill just go get changed real quick!
Jarjar: Oh meesa so sorry!
Princess: It's ok, you've been the life of the party! I wouldn't have it any other way!
The King and Queen exchange a bemused look, the princess walks out the door to go change. Jarjar turns and meets Palpetines eyes for the first time since his antics began, suddenly the fierce dark fire returns, he is all wrath and triumph, he nods once. Then turning back to the party he resumes his goofy poses.
Palpetine stands and slipping out of the room, following the Princess down the hall. She has changed and is returning to the party, they meet in an entryway.
Palpetine: Princess?
Princess: (Blushing slightly) Lord...Palpetine is it?
Palpetine: Yes, (Bowing) My Liege.
Princess: Oh none of that here, my parents are the formal ones.
Palpetine: (Smiling) I saw what happened, what a weirdo!
Princess: (Laughing) Hes hilarious!
Palpetine: He really is! Funniest Jester ever!
Princess: I just can't stand these parties. They are so tedious, I'm glad Jarjar is mixing things up.
Palpetine: I know what you mean, my father expects me to attend every royal function, its just...dull.
Princess: Ya, I'm not really looking forward to going back in there...
Palpetine: Why bother? Want to get a little fresh air?
Princess: Sure! Lets go to the balcony!
They walk together down the hall, scene cuts to balcony overlooking Thebe, stars and a moon are in the sky.
Palpetine: My fathers been grooming my most of my life for high politics, he sees me being Senator some day!
Princess: Trust me i know all about being several different ways.
Palpetine: (Laughing) Your not what i expected princess...your...special.
Princess: Your not what i expected either...I've never met another Nobleman like you...its nice...
They stand sharing the moment. Scene changes back to royal chambers, King and Queen enter after the party, they seem worn out.
Queen: What a wierd party...did you see where Eliana went? I didn't see her after that silly Gungan fell on the table..
King: Not sure, she probably retired to her chambers, you know she hates these social gatherings.
Queen: Yes, but she seemed happy about Jarjar. Maybe i should send a servant to check up on her?
King: Yes...that seems like..
The comm buzzes, the king turns and presses the button.
King: Yes?
Comm: Governor McDowell to see you sir.
King: Governor McDowell?
Comm: Yes..he says you requested a private audience?
The King and Queen exchange a puzzled look, she shrugs.
King: Hmm, i don't remember that, oh well, send him in!
The door opens a few moments later, a distinguished looking older man with a mustache enters.
McDowell: (Bowing) You wanted to see me my liege?
King: I...don't remember requesting your presence?
McDowell: Puzzled. I just received an urgent memorandum that you needed to speak to me..strange.
The King and Queen both look concerned, then shrug it off.
King: Hmm..must be some kind of error, ill check up on it in the morning, i really don't have anything to speak to you about.
McDowell: (Bowing again) Very well, i will retire!
King: Goodnight.
He leaves, the King and Queen stand in silence for a while.
King: That was weird.
Queen: Ya...hmm...well, I'm exhausted.
She lies down in her bed, the King joins her a moment later, they reach over and turn off the light, a beam of moon light is the only illumination, suddenly Jarjar steps from the shadows, his face illuminated by the moon, his face burns with hatred. He raises a cruelly curved dagger and plunges it into the kings neck, there is muffled cry, then he stabs again, this time the queen, she gives a desperate gurgle, then is silent, Jarjar stabs again and again, his face triumphant with wrath, then, leaving the dagger impaled in the Kings chest he turns and opens the window, climbing out with ease.
Scene changes, it is morning. McDowell’s office, he sits working on a tablet, suddenly the doors burst open, the royal guard, blasters leveled, a dozen of them move into the room and surround him. The captain of the guard steps forward.
Captain: Governor McDowell, you are hereby under arrest for the murder of the King and Queen!
McDowell: What?
Captain: There is security footage of you entering the royal chambers just before the time of the murder!
McDowell: But...but i was summoned by the king!
Captain: There is no record of the summons in the main computer.
McDowell: It was a hand delivered note! I..(He turns to shuffle through his papers) was here! It was here! It was here! (He is wailing now)
The guards grab him and roughly haul him from the room. Scene changes, it is the royal throne room, the young princess sits one of the thrones, the other is empty, she is dressed now as the Queen, her eyes are tear streaked. Presently Palpetine enters the chamber.
Palpetine: Princess....what...what is this?
Princess(Queen): It''s my...parents...they...where murdered last night!
Palpetine: (Gasping) Murdered!
His eyes go wide with shock, then with realization.
Palpetine: My god...I’m so so sorry.
He moves forward and the Queen stands, they embrace, she is crying.
Queen: I don't know what to do...
Palpetine: Oh my god...
Queen: I don't know who i can trust, the murderer was....Governor McDowell.
Again Palpetines eyes go wide with realizations, then he returns to his sorrowful expression. He hugs her for a few moments then they release and she sits, her lower lip shaking.
Queen: I...I called for you, because you were so kind to me last night, and because, you are outside of everything, I...I need someone i can trust, I wanted to make you my chief adviser.
Palpetine: Me??? Chief adviser? But their are a hundred others more suited for the job!
Queen: One hundred other who might very well have planned the murder! You are literally the only person i can trust because your not in any position of power! I heard father was going to back your bid for Governor against
McDowell! He probably killed them because he knew my father was trying to replace him!
Palpetine: I...I don't know what to say.. Its an honor. Ill do everything i can to help you.
Queen: (Looking relieved) Thank you, this is so difficult, i have to keep moving forward, these people need a leader, one who shows strength in the face of adversity! I have to put on a strong showing.
Palpetine: I understand (he bows) If there is anything, and i mean anything i can do, please let me know.
Queen: (Nodding) I will.
Scene changes, it is back in the swamps of Naboo, Jarjar sits upon the very same tree limb where Palpetine first encountered him. He meditates in serenity. Presently Palpetine enters.
Jarjar: Well done my young apprentice, you are now situated perfectly. You will serve as the Queens advisor for the next seven years, after which time you will be positioned to run for Senator. You will be seen as the Queens life line and the people will love you and elect you to represent them without question. Another twenty years from then, you will become Chancellor of the Senate, from there...anything is possible.
Palpetine: Senator? Chancellor???
Jarjar: Yes.
Palpetine: (Struggling to take it all in) My god...this is incredible, i can't believe what you just pulled off!
Jarjar: This is just the beginning, we will all have our parts to play before the end, I foresee you will become the most powerful Jedi in all the Galaxy, with the full might of the Republic at your command you will wield more power than any man in history.
Palpetine: Incredible! Thank you master.
Jarjar: You have done well, there will be justice for me people.
Palpetine: (Nodding) Yes, this is right, together, no, with you directing me i cannot fail!
Jarjar: The time is coming when you will indeed need to operate alone, i trust you have learned well from my practices.
Palpetine: Yes! I'm in awe! The way you manipulated that situation...
Jarjar: It was a triviality, the tests to come will be far more, taxing.
Palpetine: I see! (He falls to one knee) You are indeed wise master, you have not lead me astray!
Jarjar smiles maliciously.
Jarjar: Arise my young apprentice, there will come a day when you will never again have to prostrate yourself before another. Now, return to the city, and see to it that the will of the force is done!
Palpetine: (Bowing slightly) Yes master!
He turns and leaves, Jarjar sits meditating on the tree branch.
Cut to Credits.
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